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hy thr tnx 4 dza c0mpliment... Wel il hav to thank ma mama sh raisd me wel and i belilv bu.t ag jus materialsd thngs bra 1nc u gr0w olda dy evntuali fade awai... So v u hav a wack pers0nality ai i fil s0wi 4 u 1nc u old
m tyd ov dc q yazi! I dn0 hw many tymz i mus nsa u.. Lang tswafisa...
Nunz dnt d8!, buht v u mus knw dr z sumbdy.. L0lies
Usher Raym0nd... L0l uhm on the real n0n ov em c0z dy ma x 4 a reasn dnt wna g0w bek dr i m0vd awn..
#what a q audrey
uhm i dnt dink i like them ey I KN0W I L0VE THEM... They arent like friendz... DEY ARE FAM... In a nutshell they are vewi nyc pep0... Alwaez dr 4 u wen u in need ov em dy truli r angels ech n evri 1 ov em... N dy nt so called dy r da ugp wd owt " " thank u...
lmfa0, bby gal da whl p0int ov dc z 2 stay an0nymz... Mara v u mus knw m nt d8n ny1 Audrey
science ws fyn thank u AUDREY!
l0l... Miss u2 ma bby bt wu r u?
w0ah w0ah w0ah lma0.. \"bby\" 1stli nw u cyn da ugp galz r ugly? Hee u lucky u ann0mys u wr gawn gt an as* whiping... 2ndly ey i cnt hlp t v ppl fynd m interestn n wana b ma fwnd n l0l \"lunch bar\" z ma fwnd whethr u lyk t or nt whthr u sht blu kak or we wil b tyt tl da end.3rdli i dnt chng fwndz i jus xpand n br0aden my fwndshpz dnt h8 nw auw.. Lastli... Y the hell r u dng research ka nna dnt u have a h0bby lyk picking ur n0se or sum jeez sum ppl nda lyf!
uhm eh... Tju btw thank u n uhm.. L0l i reli dn0 wt ta say bt tnx faw da c0mplimnt
lma0, eish tlhe these questnz j0.. Any wu bek ta ur q... Wel im nta big fan ov ch0c0l8z.. So m0s def large diam0nd ring bby n nt fake 1z tuu... M nt cheap l0liez... N btw i lyk ur q tz simple wel dun l0l
wud t b a pw0b v i du be*** a ugp..??
tjo n0w u makn m cim lyk wh0re.. So n0 il hav 2 disagree
ah ah ah amen! Niga or nigres wu eva u b... Tleng i dnt danc lma0.. Tju tju k leme cy nt nym
lma0... Ai drz awnli 1 wae ta fynd owt swdy
lma0... Ai whrd u hear dat 4wm wena.. ***n ta xp0z m jus lyk daht ai
lawl ehm...wena u want m ta gt beatn up
tju tju... Batung nw z evri guy a walk wd ma bf?
lunch bar..
hebatung wtz rng wd bein a nun
thats rathr personal dnt u tnk?
awwww, tnx
uhm... Nunz dnt d8 swdy
lma0, nah datz a lie
usher baybie!
yeah bbe i m
do i reli hv2 nsa dic?
i might b..
uhm not really we have both moved on..
hmmm that's a hard one thing is there are so many to choose from and wouldn't want to leave anyone out...
ofcause i am... pushing virgin swag!
uhm w0w what a deep questi0n h0w d0ez 1 answer this with0ut hurting any1... Ohk well i knew Clayt0n was cheating he repent i d0nt kn0w if it was out of fear or l0ve but in anycase.. So n0 i didnt think i was the only girl i wasn't naive when entering the relationship, i knew what i was getting myself into...
i steal girls' b0yfriends
lol uhm.. Thats a g0od questi0n.. Next questi0n please
attractiv, kind, crazi..