No matter if you hate me or not, I am still your hiss king ((not him)
I hate you
"good I hate you too"
Well ask me a question.
I'm so bored.
Cause I'm bored and stuff.
fcking delete *****. no one want a cheater
Oops I lied.
What was your first cellphone ?
"I don't know.. "
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
"80, cause I'm now a girl? "
fcking delete *****. no one want a cheater
Don't worry I will.
What does your name mean ?
"How am I spouse to know?"
I think it worked now. It let me click on the response to my thing. LxpStxckStaxns
((Good, happy that it works for once.))
A musician you hate ?
That dude Justin, he have no talent.
Just so ya know, your twitter link doesn't work. Had to search for ya via the twitter friends thing. <3 LxpStxckStaxns
Damn, I don't know how to make it work.