Who’s Aaron friedline look gay?
Why aren’t you in the popular girl group at KDVP like danni and them
I’m close with them but I have my own group.
Which of your friends are going on habo
Hannah Indi and a few more might
Is your name Wi-fi? Because I'm really feeling a connection.
No it’s not sorry
Are sam Lissoos and Mica heys still together?
I think so
Ohhh yesssss
Ohhhhhhh yes
what the fck guys, faryn is the most kind hearted, upbeat, loving and caring person i have ever met. all you idiots saying sht to her on qooh need to stfu cause you guys don’t know what you’re saying
love u fa
Thank you so much ❤️
Do you have an eating disorder because i’ve heard sht going around where you this disease where you can’t control how much you eat and apparently that’s why you are so large
That’s called obesity and no I don’t have that but thanks for your concern. Imagine you were nice to people? That would be so nice for you. But look what you are now I’m sorry kiddo
You are the most attention seeking girl i’ve ever met , You would pull a rock if you could and you hide behind all of it by a finsta called banta sesh which btw is boring as fck
1. You don’t know me so please quieted down you’re hurting my ears
2. If banta sesh is so boring why the fck do you follow it cos you’re on my qooh me right now
Did nika pull someone in JHB that you have pulled before?
Defo not
who did nika pick pull when she was in joburg
Idk if I can say
would a 15 year old get judged for getting a tattoo?
Tbh yeah
Did Daneil S and Danni D pull?
She wishes
what happened with savanna and sam?
He got spotted in the Kruger
Which Daniel was with gia Friedman?
How come you took off your qooh me link?
It literally broke my instagram idk wtf happened
Are Dabiel and Gia still together and did they pull?
No no
Are Hannah and Daniel together
Haha funny one you have like D cups
More like AA
How come you were crying so much in your recent post+ who is the girl in the video with the spit bubble
Hahahahah from things i was watching , my cousin
You don’t have what?
I wanna stick my dck in between your boo*s
I don’t have
Post pics of your cleavledge
What cleavage
I’m also going to the Kruger maybe you can come to me
Bro do you not know how big the Kruger is also no
How are you and Jayden Freund related?
Our moms are sisters
Where you going in the holidays
Why did you go for aaron f if he’s younger
You act like no one does it maybe you jelly
(Bet You dont know what i said) 何!?
Um google translate says what what
You went for aaron f and other people and they younger than you
They? Hahahahahahha
Why did ella m have to delete that vid of your dance and then repost it without the one part
Ask her
Any of your mates going to uni?
Only the links boys yeah
Snapchat name
Why have you gone for younger guys
Bro name them you’ve clearly got the wrong person
Does Gina live in Europe now or is she on holiday there
Holiday ?
Who did you kiss most recently
Would you pull Daniel Martin
Pull or pass:
Rowan Mervis
Evan Koton
James Norwitz
Levi Rosenthal
Pass em all incest is weird
Why do you always go for people younger and why aren’t you giving a proper answer.
Wtf always? Hahahahaha you clearly don’t know much love
If you had to go back to one of the people you pulled, who would it be
Also dk
If you had to go back to one of the people you pulled, who would it be?
Why do you not answer the question about why you go for younger guys
I actually did
Why do you go for younger guys
First of all : shut up
why’s everyone asking you about ella fanaroff?
I want to chat up your mate from cape town
Yayayyy which one
Favorite color panty’s?
Are your Bras expensive?
Did Azi and Ella pull
Ah yes my babies
Do you go to links or VP
Do you like the color pink?
Yeah I guess
You should post more bikini pics
Nah it’s good thank you for your unwanted input tho
Why do you $exualize yourself?
I don’t
Fav song?
Star by bazzi or dazed and confused by Ruel
From one of your qooh replies?
You and Daniel Martin a thing?
Love island Australia or UK
You also watch Love Island? ???
Um how do you know I watch it
Never Change ur beautiful inside and out and I would love to be ur frand??
Thank you ❤️
Why were I crying in the recent post
Love island season 4 episode 5
Will Hannah go younger
No unlucky mate
Closest mates (boys)
Ev James and Rowan
Is heaven a thing ?
I rate
Who did you pull on Saturday
Would you rather sit on dck and eat cake or eat dck and sit on cake?
Shut up
*Would you ever be with Aaron again
We weren’t together
Do you like your body?
Would you ever be without Aaron again?
I asked do you still have the slightest feelings for Aaron?? Why you not answering? ?
I don’t my love, now move on with your life
If you had to choose between kissing Shaps or Alex Hayes, whould you just kiss Gabi at school or go out somewhere?
r u serious
Did Evan and Zara pull?
Would you rather pull a girl or Asian
Did Hannah and Evan pull?
Hey where is the joll tonight
You're so gorgeous?❤?
Really thank you ❤️
I would tap you
I’m so happy for you
Your boo*s are the BIGGEST turn on ever!!! Haha get the pun
That’s a really sht pun
You sure we can't make love
Ella Fanaroff is Aaron’s cousin
Oh cool
Wanna make love
No thanks
Are you friends with Ella Fanaroff
Not sure who that is
I wanna come friends with you but I dunno if I should dm you
You should 100%❤️
How does she know he’s extremely ticklish then?
What the actual fck
I said Did you tell Ella how ticklish Aaron is?
Unfortunately not ey