Why don’t you like Duane
Where do you learn
Maranatha ..
Who is your crush
i aint saying but..this crushmate has been there for about three years now and um patiently waiting for his arrivial??
Why dont u like Duane
i really have no connection with him but i dont hate him though
Would u allow anyone to tup it in
Where do you learn
Do you like Duane
Iiii jaq
Why your t*** so big
ummm idk ?
How cute are you out of 100%
....I can't judge myself but definitely above half
Do u have a crush on anyone at your school MTCB
I guess
What do you wish your parents understood?
Everything about me ....
who is the name of your crush
Whose e frnd u miss e most from ur old ghs frnds
.....Faffy,Park,Trish,Tadi,Tino ...lets just say all of them....
What does everyone seem to enjoy except you?
seeking for attention
Can u be my bae ???
Want to tap that big A$$
Girl u so $exy ?
anonymous......thank you
Who is your crush now
no crush,got bae
Have u ever been in a relationship with ayez_sly
ummm no...just been buddies
What do you want the most right now?
that one guy
What could you talk endlessly about?
My life
Hey Charlene !
hey ...anonymous
What's the most difficult situation you've ever faced? l_erat_o
can`t think of one......
Is your crush at natha
ummmm .......find out
Are u beautiful
um i think so....
Who do u like
my old friends
What is your greatest regret ?
trying to fix my friends relationship and it even gets worse
Who is your boy friend
What specific thing do you dislike about people?
people who are fake
Who is your crush and why do you like him ....please don't lie if you do then imma tell you who
Not going to say his name ....i like him because i enjoy his company and his cute
What do u like doing more by yourself?
Which ones do u prefer ur old friends from ghs to e new ones u hv from marathan
its Maranatha!....that is pretty obvious..
Who is your best friend ?
Why would you have a best friend....rather have close friends