What colour is your toothbrush :D CaseaBarbie
LOL' its orangee :P
FatTz !! :D :G been so long bruU :| You need to explain the disappearing you pulled on me :]x but you know I fvken love yoour awesommmeeeeneeeessss !!! :D :g eziiie
Eziiie i know love x_x its all an illusion :D -_- LOL'
Anyways You know Fudging loveee yaa too :P you're too awesome :/ why though? So hard to understand :D
That thing that irritate you about your friend?
Nothing -_-
My friends are awesome just the way they are :D
*****? ;)
What's the last movie you watched!?
Bish -_-.. Uhm I re-watched Pitch Perfect the other day (Y)
Hey :P
I already know the answer to this :o but asking any way.. Who is your favorite band?? :)
One "Freeaaken" Direction :D
Its a rainy, cold day.. What would you prefer: a nap, or a movie with a cup of hot chocolate :p
A moviie and a cup of hot chocolate yo' :D