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None :')
uh, you're absolutely gorgeous, you're really funny, You're someone I wanna be closer to..:))
love it
trusting people
i didnt say nuuuuthing?
idk mann
yesterday. vampire diaries gets to me (':
pretty messy. I mean, it was my first kiss.
You're super perf:* We should catch up in high school(: We should also talk more too. You're really nice & And funny.((:
lol, marissa has an account. BUSTED.
im gonna go with no.
yes, pls don't.
Do you like dalton?
Uh, That's a tough one.
You're so pretty. Imysm:( We need to hangout all the time this summer and go to the beach, and stuff(: But hangouts sooner than that, okay? okay!(: ly bb<3
Hey, loseer
thanks, Darling:*
idfc eat s h i t
Awh, Thanks nicole((:
ruoy tehctar dna i etah uoy.
The way I talk, the way I walk, how I smile, and laugh. pretty much everything.
love* you* and I could care less what you love.
okay *relief* (:
See this is whyy i love you<3 and is it bad if i noticed c:
I don't know.
I don't know, i'm not dead.
How is it the people who respond? They're just answering the questions.
I know. and okayy.
**** off anon please
Someone like Harry Styles<3
Stripped pajamas.
I don't really like you.
Abs, Lip biting, and dimples c:
I've already seen this.
Orange soda c:
Looong bordering when i caan. and food c:
Huxleyy c:
My ceiling
Yourrr cute. Nice. good Advice i think it was you that gave me advice aha. but yeah
100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 c:
Harrry styyles c:
I don't know.
Striped pajamas.
f*** off. Honestly. How do think this makes me feel? Like shi*! because i didn't do anything.
Obviously you don't because i didn't! so f*** off.
I didn't say anything to you guys. I think you need to grow up. blaming people that didn't do anything f*** off.
honestly i never said anything to you guys. Gets ALL you facts before you blame people hun
I hoooooooooope you can sleep over fridaaaaaaay c: your a total babe c: your stunning. We shouuuld talk morec:
Bradley c:
I don't even know.
Perfect c: and short c:
Everrrything c:
I miss me too c:
Caaan't saay c:
Weeee dooo c:
Thanks c: you too c:
Nicole spanics
Stunning. Tall. don't talk much,we should though. Nice. you were on my soccer team c:
Hiiiiiiiiii c:
Sure, you first c:
Me too c:
Your shorter than me c:
I'm not passing it up. I just don't want to get hurt. And i've heard a lot of things about him.