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What?! Ive never kissed a girl. Who was she? I must have alook alike
Im not
I am not sure haha
Nah lets be honest, i eat lithium for a living.
Well can i know who ?
Fob cobs my brother. Says it all. But he talks crap
Honestly, i'm not :)
Tbh, nice girl, harmless, seems to enjoy having fun, and seems to care a lot!
Yeah look, not for long.
Oh yes, savanna fanfulla the , she's pretty cool i guess, bit crazy, but fun haha ;)
Actually, i know two ;) ouch, but i'm guessing sav adams? Haha is that correct?!
Savanna who? Haha :)
Exactly that? Something from the past that would still affect the way my relationships work
I don't see that haha but thanks anyways!!!
Whatever it takes to make them pay. So don't screw with my family
I have a lot of people i would do anythingfor. But as far as giving my life up for, without thought or hesitation, my famoly, immediate and extended, anyone from the hargreaves family, my brothers, nick, kane, *****ell, tom vanh, brandon, taylor, blackaz, pretty,riley, kal the list continues.theres a few gals, amber price, sharna l, em williams, sammy, loz, renee, grace and more You do the right thing by me, i'll look out for you. I owe a lot of people my life. Im forever in there debt.
Honestly, don't know. Still dealing with a few things from the past, and until i'm sure of one thing, it would be hard to say yes.
Look, it was a bad move, but i have to tell you something harry, you are a wizard. YOU'RE GONNA GO TO HOGWARTS YOURE GONNA DO SPELLS YOU GET AN OWL YOU GET A WAND DEAL WITH IT YA TWAT
I thought i was punchin durrrries you dawg, shut up, ot i'll inject maple syrup into your blood stream through uranus