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Joshua Fielding


Ask me anything you like anonymously

17 Replies

What's your religion?

LDS or Mormon. But I'm currently inactive and don't go.

Fieldinggg replied 4234 days ago 1

How much wood, could a wood chuck would, if a wood chuck could chuck wood??

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood*******

Fieldinggg replied 4234 days ago 1

Your gay AshyHansford

You love me.

Fieldinggg replied 4234 days ago 1

One day maybe :)

Come on, what's the worst that can happen? :p

Fieldinggg replied 4261 days ago 1

That's fair enough, good luck, hopefully she comes to her senses:)

Thanks, I appreciate your concern. I wouldn't mind knowing who you are? :P

Fieldinggg replied 4261 days ago 1

There's always a chance of loss you have to work out if its worth chancing it, because you may never get a chance.

In my opinion, if a friendship is so weak as to break under such a small event then its not even worth keeping. But all the same, I cherish this friendship and if she wants to be more then just friends I will be here to show her how a real boyfriend should be like.

Fieldinggg replied 4261 days ago 1

:( friendzone s*cks major. Have you ever told her how you felt? Some things are possible.

I think she knows, but I don't think it would be good if I did tell her how I felt. I don't want to be creepy and lose our friendship.

Fieldinggg replied 4261 days ago 1

poor VW :(

Fieldinggg replied 4261 days ago 1

What do you look for in the opposite se*? Is there any1 that you wish you could be with? If so why?

I look for a girl that can respect herself and be her own person. There is a girl but unfortunately I got friend zoned :p She's such an amazing person at heart, she's beautiful has similar standards to me and is so much fun to be around. She knows who she is... I think haha

Fieldinggg replied 4261 days ago 1

Do you prefer:
Big b*ms or small b*ms?
Big boo*s or small boo*s?
Skiny girls or fat girls?
Short girls or tall girls?
Blonde hair or brown hair?
.... or boys?

Reasonably sized but not too small.rnbig boo*srnskinny ish not too skinnyrnshorter then me. rnEither or.rnrnim straight -.-

Fieldinggg replied 4263 days ago 1

If you could change one thing about yourself or a friend, what would it be?

My ADD. It gets really annoying sometimes and restricts me in some things.

Fieldinggg replied 4263 days ago 1

Something/someone that pisses you off to a point you can't stand?

Something: Commodores with stupid modifications) Someone: My friends piss me off all the time, I am pretty patient though.

Fieldinggg replied 4263 days ago 1

If you had any super power what would it be!? And would you use for the good of people!? Or just for fun?

Invincibility. Defiantly use it to help people.

Fieldinggg replied 4266 days ago 1


Ha.... sure?

Fieldinggg replied 4267 days ago 1

are you full JDM or only half??? :p

Does the sun come up in the morning?

Fieldinggg replied 4267 days ago 1