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Dont know him that well but he seems like a pretty cool and nice guy :)
Shes so beautiful! shes such a good friend and sooo funny :) im so glad we were in the same clas* this year and we have had some good times at kaiteri and in clas*, shes so nice and very friendly! shes a good friend :)
mmm probly william and dom but idk i dont think there are that many hot guys in my year.
no i didnt
Not sure i actually cant remember all the guys in my art clas* lol
Mmmm not sure
Umm well she's cool and nice but some times we dont get along and we have big fights, she can be a Bit** and i get soo pissed off at her and we stop talking to eachother for a while, Im kinda angry at her atm but yeah she's a good sister :)
nicole and shania they are awesome cousins! :)
what Cody? i know more than one
thankyou beautiful! you are too! :) x
Thankyou :)
whoever you are thankyou! :)
who is this??
im not but thankyou :)