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I'm not that big on regrets, but I do have this one particular regret. Problem is, I won't post it here 'cause it will be total self exposure and I'm guaranteed to receive hatred from a particular someone if I did... Sorry neh. But if you inbox me I might tell you what it is :)
Firstly thank you *blush*. It means 'brought into...' so I'm sure you can work out where I was into :P
And yours??
A show-off who's a total attention seeker. It's just a complete turn off. It shows me that he doesn't know himself and wants other people's attention
in order to feel good about himself. A man who has a low self-esteem is just...Not A Man!!
Hahaa... I think I know who that lil birdie is ;)... Well, it's sort of like a God given blessing really. He loved me so much and just gave me long hair amongst other things :)
Anyway, I just do what most girls do: go to the salon every now and then. When braiding though, I hardly use extensions.
I use them once in like a very long time. I usually braid using my hair. I don't know if that helps or what, but Yeahh that's how I manage my hair :)
Hahaa... I really have no clue. If what you're saying is correct though, I'm truly flattered :)
Lol... How would I know?! I don't keep track
Well, personally I don't know the true meaning of Love. I'm still yet toa find that out... And when I told them I loved them(i tell my friends& family) i wasn't referring to the deep intemate love. Just simple love...
Lol... Who's this?? Honestly, no. Besides I don't think I would've told you even if I did for two reasons:
1. I don't know who you are
2. This thing is like so public 8o8o...
But no love, I don't have a crush on Welile
I have... 'Inlove' and 'Love' are two different things... You can love someone but not be inlove with them. And plus, love is described in many different ways...
Of course I like him... He's my friend :)
Hahaa... Sure thing!! <3
I really don't know... Love is just such a HUGE thing.
Lol... Ok, this is either you Yenzi or Setsa. And no, I never stole him :)
Lol... Uhmm, not to be rude or anything, but this seems like a pretty personal question don't you think??
But to answer your first question, Yeahh...
Hahaa... For the love of food :D... Not to blow my own horn, but Yeahh and I enjoy doing so on top of that!!
I'd cook for you and let you judge, but hey, this is anonymous and I don't know who you are you!!
five?? That's a lot 'cause I only remember half of ya'll... No offence :)
I miss Tebe, though. Atleast I get to see you now and then :D
All I want is to be truly happy
Hahaa... It just sounds fun. It's amazing the kind of questions you can get. Some may shock you!!
There's quite a few things I expect from a guy. One of them and I think it's the most important is respect. For himself and those around him... He should be honest and sincere and just have self value.... Hahaa, I don't think I'll give out names :)
someone... Hahaa
Uhh... nothing really