Tristan finlayson
I hear your a ***** Herdman
You forgot to ask this anonymously *****!
Your that kid with the flow and talks about Care Bears all the time right?
Haha yeah that's me alright
Your ****in adorable
Hahaha yes I am
nigga nigga nigga
Who's this lol my guess is Herdman
Are you related to sonya??
Yes I am
Why don't I see you with girls more often? You're cute
Thanks and I don't really know
Alright ill get my sister to make up some ads
what do you think 20$ each fighter Herdman
Sounds good
I thought I smelt a lil ***** Herdman
Let's start a fight club you down?
world star
Tomorrow morning!
I think your so hot :$ but you seem shy & I'm shy to so it proabably wouldn't ever work.
Yo message me
I've heard you killed a man just by staring at him
That's ridiculousness... I stabbed him
Sup homie
Nothing much bruh! Watching videos
Im gunna kill you
Not if I kill you first..