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Sterretjie vijo my skat
Daar dun in my wêreld okay Quintie. Pfft
Definitief 'n pers F :P haha
Well if u were female u basically could still wanna do that ya know... But please leave my body parts outta this :|
Yeah :|
So ur male.. Haha nice. Hashtag facepalm!
Haha well i like to have fun!! :P
Excited!!!! :D :D
I know I'm judgemental. And it's because I'm superficial. I judge on what i see. It's who I am. But if u really knew me u would know that even tho I'm judgemental, there are certain things that i would never judge someone on. And yes, i am familiar with my mirror. So leave us alone so i can stare at myself in peace
Hahaha i see that!!
Hiii!!! :) I'm gooood!! Thank u so much! :)
Thank you soo much!! ;;)
Hii... I like lotsa people... My friends, family, ya know
Then stop trying to scare me bc its not working. And if ur really my friend u wouldn\'t call me the things u did.
Aah I\'m so scared the big bad man is gonna harm me over the computer. No mkay :)
Whatever floats ur boat bud :)
Lol @ u hun. But it takes a lot for someone yto drive me crazy ;)
U think ur driving me crazy? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no :|
Well then stop being an as* and get ur facts straight honey. Then u won\'t have anything to apologize for :)
Bite me. Apologize for being mean to me then :)
Haha well then maybe u just don\'t say anything worth listening to. I mean look at what ur calling me. U should really reconsider ur sources buddy :)
Well... Lemme think... Its not very nice to talk about urself so much darling ;)
Virgin on the prowl? Who are we talking about here? U or me? And i don\'t like using my smelling sense for useless things! I prefer to look things in the eye
I love this Q!!! 1 Food. 2 Water. 3 A car door so i can roll down the window when i get hot. :P
When i said that i was sober
Watever! Haha
Well some of these people here can use me all they want ;) :P
i don't wanna go to the army. i wanna be someone special to someone here. Not in the army
Haha hey!! i wanna be something in life okay! Haha its okay. Way too much group work but yeah... But its cool. If i feel like things are getting too much, I'll go out for a drink
i had a rough week
Oh watever. We don't need excuses to party here...
i can party here too...
Haha not really... That's what everyone does after school isn't it?
U that young? Haha yeah I'm almost 19
Uni :|
i want to find someone here who i can call my best friend and who will watch movies with me till late. And have deep meaningful conversations with bt also talk about silly things. i want someone who will be there when i get homesick and tell me to stop missing everyone bc i have them
Ask me what i want..
and what is it that u want?
Haha oh well... Wait u shall!! :P I'm surviving... So that's good right?
Good things come to those who wait!
Or what hmm????
How long ago was I on here.. omg x_x
I'll never win with u, will i?
Ur anonymous. Tadaa!!
And how will i do that?
And why not? Are u gonna give me one? ;)
Nope I'm not :)) coz i want my new years kiss
No. U know what? Ur supposed to be asking me questions
Tall dark stranger?
Give me something to remember u by
i won't forget anyone. I'm nice like that ok
Haha i know right... By the way, i know nothing bout u... Age?
Haha i can't help u with that boo
And what is it u wanted??
Haha shame on u! But hey... I'm still waiting for my xmas prezzie
Hii there stranger... Silks is saying hi to u. Lol
Lool x_x I'm confused!!
Probably robot speak... I'm not sure, it's not in my foreign language manual
Stfu hahaha lief jo Silky poo :* u made me LOL
i dunno who calls me baby girl :| but it is cute AF tho :P
That's it! Now I'm ur baby girl and ur my boo. Its settled :P
Its a me thing. If i was British I'd call u babe
i can't. I'm sorry boo
i hate u right now :|
Yeah.... Keep talking?
Do i even know that u exist?
Omg why don't u follow me tho?? :(
Omg. How well do i know the person that told u to come here?
I'm disappointed. Haha. Have we ever met? Or talked before??
Are u famous? Do i fangirl over u? Are u Justin Bieber or Niall Horan?? OMG UR TOTALLY JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!
So ur not from here? Hmmm.... Do we follow each other on twitter???
YAY!! Remember that I'm opening prezzies at 12 tomorrow night. SA time. So be ready!
Can i expect ur name on Christmas day?
Aaaw!! Haha. Seriously tho. WHO ARE UUUUU?????
Nooo!!! UR LEAVING ME BEHIND??? i hate u for this. Just kidding. ily whoever u are
Yay! U better or i won't be very happy :|
But don't be mean to me ;;)
Haha. Irrelevant mister! Ur mean tho
Fine. U don't know what ur missing
Not money. Anything else?
Everyone has a price... What's urs?
What will it take for u to tell me
I'm trying ok :P
Please?? *bats eyelids* *pouts lips*
Tell me who u are and I'll tell u :P
Don't be like this man. Ugh I'm upset now
Ur being difficult lol
Aaawh!! Omfg jys moeilik. Smh!
U do mind?? :'( noooo!!! That photo is perfection!
U s*ck. I\'m a very curious person. Let\'s play a game!!!!! *evil face*
rnOk let\'s pretend that i believe the world will end in 10 minutes. And if u don\'t tell me who u are now i will NEVER know :|
rnOoooh!!!! *scary music*
i was busy downloading a picture of my Nialler. Do u mind? Lol