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Francois Kgomo


Hit Me With Em Question, this could be exiting. I wont tell you lies.. promise

66 Replies

ai mina angik'thandi sham. 1ce upon a tym guys
@ skul ddnt evn lyk u, 2day dey always touch u and
luv u. hw du u du it!

Lmao.. WTF are you on about?? I'm just being me and uyang'thanda or not, akungihluphi ndawo lokho..

FrancoisKG replied 4931 days ago

How often do u mas*******?

I don't

FrancoisKG replied 4931 days ago

Hw often do u get *****?

Every minute..

FrancoisKG replied 4931 days ago

Since your last encounter with me in
bed did you ever found somebody who
did you like I did

Nigro, If I knew who you are I would know...

FrancoisKG replied 4931 days ago

who r u trying to fool with your bi *exual behavior, you as* get ****ed every weekends, tjer I wonder how do u stand the pain caused by a p**** in your as*, get a life

Lmao.. And it feels good, the pain that is.. Atleast I know how to draw a line, I am what I say I am. Deal with that.. Shame, lol

FrancoisKG replied 4934 days ago

stop saying u stay connected even miles away, u always shagg other men when she is not around n I hope she finds out

Lmao, she knows sugar.. And shagging other men or not, what is it to you?? My body, my ways. you're such a bore, I'm an open book mate

FrancoisKG replied 4934 days ago

Hey u gay/ leave our men alone/ u r messin with
their heads maan

They are messed up already.. Lol, I surely don't put a bullet in their heads and ask them out. They ask me out with their own will, guess you aint giving it good mama sita.. #wink

FrancoisKG replied 4934 days ago

Research revealed that Men are like Bluetooth, when they r wit u they connect
immediately and when they are not with u they
search 4new devices!!!! is it true

I wouldn't know, I stay connected even miles away boi

FrancoisKG replied 4934 days ago

I saw u sunday with a group of hot hommos. does ur gf know that u go get ****d every weekend?

Yes she does.. Lmao, and she's liking it.. We laugh about it all the time, she's special that one!

FrancoisKG replied 4934 days ago

Please can I have a date with you tonight? It will be special, just you and me? How
about we meet at 20h30? Where you ask? Well, our
usual Friday night spot off

Okay now you're the first one to bore me today.. Every friday I'm at home, dude WTF???

FrancoisKG replied 4935 days ago

You've probably been asked this before. If so, please forgive:-)

If you could go back in time, what event would you change/prevent?

I would prevent the first twitch of a feeling I had towards guys, that's where I realized I was gay. Not that am not proud to be one but at times problems get to seek your attention In a weird away, talk about drama, gossip, alla that crap. Aint down with such..

FrancoisKG replied 4935 days ago

U seem pretty hot ey, u dnt perhaps hav a boyfriend do u? Ill tell who I am if u say no... ;)

Lmao.. Am so tempted to know, but I can't lie. I have one!! Am sorry...

FrancoisKG replied 4935 days ago

what do admire most about urself? if u were to be choused to be a president of somalia what will you do to make it a better country?what makes u happy? if u were to give ur parents a gift wht will that be?

I admire my brains and sense of understanding. I get to think of the way out that quick through understanding the situation my own way. Well, honestly I don't know what problems Somalia has, I don't do news that much. The moment I find myself singing is what makes me happy and I would give my parents grand_children.. #blushing

FrancoisKG replied 4935 days ago

What is your favourite love making song?

Lmao.. Aaaah, I don't have it. Only I get to create a song by my moaning. Now I'm like.. HELLOOO.. Lol

FrancoisKG replied 4935 days ago

What took you so long 2 acrually
realise you homo*exual_no offence_i
luv u beta nw dn wen u whr heter0 lyk
honestly hey

Well, I had my reasons.. It was before I could tell my family and the high school saga, where people get to tease you. I wasn\'t strong enough to handle all those, but now that I have a courage to say \"**** off, its my life\" I can be true to myself and be proud to stand tall to what I am..

FrancoisKG replied 4935 days ago 1