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Ask me anything you like anonymously

16 Replies

Your art is so beautiful! Everytime I see that you post I get the happy feelings!!!


Frobbebbie replied 2250 days ago

I always thought bi and pan were basically the same but a pan person wouldnt mind to much to be/do (with) an inter$ex person

Inter$ex people are..just that..inter$ex. Being inter$ex doesnt make you automatically trans, and there are many ways a person can be inter$ex.

Frobbebbie replied 2334 days ago

Whats your race"just askin cuz i dont really appreciate u using the word nigga

Im black btch tf! Im just lightskinned
Black/hispanic/native mix

Frobbebbie replied 2334 days ago

What anime do you you like other than Boku no hero Academia

My favorite animes are Ore monogatari and Koe no katachi...i grew up with naruto and dbz! And i love fma as well, currently im watching pop team epic! I dont watch as much anime as i used too but I’m still down for it every now and then!

Frobbebbie replied 2359 days ago

You said you like Monster High and MLP what do you think of Frankie Stein and Sunset Shimmer

Frankie is really cute! But i feel like she pales in comparison to the other ghouls, she jus needs a little more personality!
And dude i LOVE sunset. Shes a great character and while it was really cheesy, she did have to work for people to trust her again-unlike starlight who hasnt changed at all and was completely forgiven. Im just sad that shes stuck in the equestria girls movies. :/

Frobbebbie replied 2412 days ago

What’s juns favourite food? Animal? Scent? Also I hope u feel better soon!!!

Thank you! ?
And Juns favorite food would be anything sweet-most junk food. She has a real sweet tooth. She also loves anything spicy!
I think her favorite animal would be a dog, she needs a loyal friend, i may give her one too!
Uhh for scent maybe lavender, or the smell of desserts ??

Frobbebbie replied 2420 days ago

Who is shencomics and why do a lot of people dislike him?? I never heard of him so I was curious

Hes basically a dude who makes #relatable comics, and while some were funny, he started to become very repetitive, always the same punchline. People teased him about it, but then he went the extra mile and defended gross artists, like Gashi Gashi-an artist who whitewashes and $exualizes children, and Ohnips-a white woman who throws around the N word as she pleases, constantly appropriating black culture, and genderbent a trans man. He also defended tim buckley- a man who showed his p**** to a 13 year old girl, which is easy to find out with a little research. People called him out on it and now hes like “boohoo my emotional state”. Thats the gist of it!

Frobbebbie replied 2420 days ago

You're seem like a really cool person and I wanna be friends but I feel like I'm too annoying shdjsfh love your art tho ^^

Thank you! And hey it doesnt hurt to try! Jus try talking to me about a certain topic, im not good w small talk! Im always down for more friends

Frobbebbie replied 2424 days ago

hey so!!! I saw you’re story where you say smth about walking feminine and stuff and I just want to say
Take your time!! Practice and ask friends about how you walk(?) also good luck ?? you can do it :’O

Thank you for the support :>?

Frobbebbie replied 2424 days ago

Your art style is one of my favourites it’s just so good? You make everything so good wrow

Awwe thank you ;-;!!!! That means a lot❤️❤️

Frobbebbie replied 2430 days ago

Why is your art style so lovely bodega


Frobbebbie replied 2432 days ago 1

Why are you so cute?? :o

IM NOt!!!!!!???

Frobbebbie replied 2432 days ago

henlo toni im love u ?? Evilgazelle

I love you too loser?

Frobbebbie replied 2433 days ago 1


Thank you :,))???

Frobbebbie replied 2433 days ago

Do u like fanart of your ocs??


Frobbebbie replied 2433 days ago