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Aye I can't believe you care.
Uhm my friend wait who you? ?
Hello taskeenn ???✨
If you tell me who you are then I will describe her if you don't sorry peh ?
Dousy!! ?
Why do you care?!
Why would I brake her heart I'm not you so shoosh ?
It was boss
Why don't you ask me questions then mah ?
Okay now she loves what you gonna do?.
Worry about your own business don't worry abt who likes who. Gett a life and maybe you will stop acting like a small child.
Why do you care who is pretty or not
And why being a rude a*s you should look at your self before you talk about her. Next time think before you tell me okay.
Thank you ?
Yeah I won't you must remind me every night ??
Ok I will give you lemme just think ??
Hi taskeen! ⚡
Who is this.. ?Bruh get a life don't worry about who's dating who okay.
Can I Ask who is this?!
Aweee mishaad!!