Who do u like?
Someone that's really pretty and amazing
If you met Nelson Mandela what would you have told or asked him?
Sup Niggah
What is missing in your life?
A girlfriend
What would you do this year If you had no fear ?
y do u care so much bout Feds insta? emmaforever
Idk just like it's not there anymore so I asked...?
Your so mean to me :( i never did anything to you!!! diptiwuvsyou
You did nothing to me? Bull****, you always say EWW it's Faazil when u see me at school and u piss my friend Sam off
What do you think people think of you?
I have no idea.
The thing you want the most this Xmas?
OMG leave Faazil alone!!! Some of the stuff you have been saying to him is not nice at all! Just stop saying mean stuff!!! Faazil is nice! There is no need to write hate on his qoohme!! It's alright Faazil! diptiwuvsyou
Thanks Dipti, Appericate the love ;)
Anyone touches fuzzy and ill smash em (Legit) Ben.W23
:D thanks Benba
Dnt call me a ***** you **** tard... >.< ill beat the crap outta u -.- you **** go **** urself ..! Do u even knw fazil? Gawd stp judging
That person is ****ed
Whatever you say ****, you can't tell me what to do you ****face. I sill hope he dies and you can't do ****.
Oi f**get, don't say that
Nah some1 you wouldnt expect .. Som1 you hate :P
Guess ..
Michelle or Maddie?
Ye. I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm still alive :)
A lie you told today?
long thoughts on kayla allen ?
Umm, she's really nice, she's so pretty and she is a great friend! :)
What would you do if you farted during a class test?
I would be so embarrassed and I would say Mai bad.
Who knows you better than your parents?
Ben Whitechurch!
Thoughts on Tiffany the Asian one?
Nice and awesome
We no u love Sophie you dumb****
****. Get the **** off Qoohme and go do something useful then hating on people. ****tard
The first thing you think of after you wake up ?
Get dressed
Look at ur bio u ****tart
And? She's my friend
Pin ****.... No chance with Sophie 😂😂😂 u f**
I don't like Sophie u dumb ****..
Thoughts on kayla allen
Really nice and pretty!
I'm happy you like pineapple juice :) :) :) diptiwuvsyou
OMG leave faazil alone he's NOT a wanker he's a nice person. He probs hasn't done anything to you so just stop being mean! You obvs have a sad life, writing horrible things on people's Qoohme! Faazil is popular, more popular then you!!!dw faazil your fine :) diptiwuvsyou
Thanks Dipti, Appriciate the love. GO SCREW UR SELF HATER.
Your the best guy I've known! Your so kind and funny! <3
Haha! Thanks, means a lot! Love you too. <3
your such a f** lol
Tbh k lol
you think you're f***ing popular hanging out with the 'popular' kids. they're not even f***ing popular. they don't even like you. you're a f***ing wanker. just go back to your nerd friends and play your clash of clans you wanker
Tbh k lol
Prettiest girls you know?
Kik me cuz I don't want them to feel left out :)
Something you wish to have but cant afford?
My own car
u should go out with annabel!
Pfttt.. She would never go out with me.
Hottest song right now according to you?
Fuzzy u can't play basketball
Cool! :)
The troll is me hahaha but I'm anonymous and did you search blue waffle trololololol
Fuz someone told me u were gay there is a whole rumor
And you believe that? Becuz I'm not gay :)
Search blue waffle in google images
Okay then.
How did u get trolled fuz
Lol he acted like he was my secret admire! Idk who he is
Guess who I am????? I'm the troll and I made you say you we're desperate I am so using that against you jks but seriously you fell for it
Um dude I'm actually not desperate but I said that becuz I wanted to know the person and I was actually gonna say no If it was true! :)
Reason for your last breakup?
Becuz she was drunk and he had drugs! :)
I trolled you mwahahaha
Yea.. Really funny
Why do u flirt?!?!
I don't though!
Who do hatee
Some person!
Meet me outside the gym at lunch tommorow reply to this please
Sure. But you have to come up to me outside the gym.
Hey I like you :)
Hmm. thanks but I would like to know who you are :)
Hey I know someone who likes you I won't say here but how do I tell you
Kik me
Ur a f***ed up retard and I am awesome guess who f***a
Good to know! :)
Are you and Samuel gay
Eww no why.?
Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?
I dont know? Maybe ask the person who named it? His number is 69-69-69
Have you ever been friendzoned?
Yea. Sure
What you think of, We Cant Stop by Miley Cyrus?
She's stupid, immature and the video Is inappropriate for kids.
Wtf is ur bio meant to mean?
Fuzzy wuzzy is a bear
Fuzzy wuzzy has no Dic*?
It's meant to fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. He's bald!
Samuel <3 :) haahahahahahh diptiwuvsyou
Omg! Stop spamming me! :|
R u friends with Dipti?
Nothin much dude! How are you?
If you wanna know. Kik me at Fuzanator
You try to be popular but you never will be
Umm. I don't care what you think hater.
Do u think samuel will ever like Dipti?
Thoughts on Dipti?
Already answered.
Have you seen Home and Away
Do ya like any1????
Do you like anyone????
Lol idk
Hows life
It's good. It's awesome!
DAYUMMM!! I thought it was you after I posted that!! I s*ck
Closest friend thats a girl?
Hmmm. I got a lot. Maddie, Eva, Peivien, Annabel and Madelief
I no ur crush
Who is it? Kik me. Fuzanator
Thoughts on peivien?
Nice, funny, awesome and GIRL BESTIE!
Thought on Tammy
Nice, funny, food little bro. But still mad at her for doing something she is not supposed to. :(
Heyy Anon?!
It says your taken in your bio,from who?
Who's this?
What's your email?
Email me :) diptis@icloud.com
Or SAT0002@mwsc.vic.edu.au diptiwuvsyou
Ok! Sure
You're awesome to u r so nice diptiwuvsyou
Lol I don't like anyone. I did till an hour ago :(
No I don't like Sam I love Sam! He's my world! <3 diptiwuvsyou
U r so nice, want to get 2 know u better! My bestie is peivien she is awesome :) diptiwuvsyou
Aha same her :)
Really nice, funny and awesome! Would like to know her better.
Hi are you friends with Abby