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Only 154 hours
My name isn't Golf?
Oh i dunno, i'm not sure that's allowed! Well, Caitie is pretty great lol, she knows whos who at the zoo, which is very important when meeting people at the zoo. Always have a great chat about just stuff lol and makes me laugh, and she isnt afraid to hashtag things with me #WeHashtaggedUrMumLastNightSoz And she's good at history, although... she didn't do her oral presentation :O + Gorgeous eyes too
Eww *ex, what? gross! Huh, girls? yuck, cooties, eww!
She's ****ing fantastic, there you go :)
- garginshnargin yeah snapchat me lol! kgo
ooooooh hehe :3 kbai lol
yas evn fite me irl fgt
0111010110111100110100010101 ?
Shut the **** up
This ****ing painting...
Thats my name, dont wear it out <3
Ya man
Oh, well thankyou! ;)
Why did you say that twice....
Daniel wishes i did
... I don't :'(
Not even at ALL!!
Courtney Mills for sure ...
At my school... Oh, she knows :)
Nah man, nah, she's like my best friend though (one of), and one of those few people that isn't afraid to tell me to "**** off because i'm wrong" when i'm wrong, which is a good quality to have, and not to mention that she's a consistent fantastic person too :)rn Besides, shes already going out with a really great bloke anyway, silly
#SozNotSoz Do i pull all the chicks? That'd be cool :) but i dont umm... i dont think so... I am pretty smart though :D Thanks
Incorrect :(