Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
What the **** ? Do you actually know me at school? Maybe hop off anon and inbox me on facebook if you have nothing nice to say.
To be honest it doesn't involve you. I think you just really need to shut up ! And go hate on someone else please Thank you
Haven't you ever though something like that would actually make someone kill them self get some respect !!!!!!!
If you have something to say inbox me :)
None I'm happy with my boyfriend actually !
Bradley <3
What are you talking about ? As soon as I answered that question on mine I went straight off ! So know the truth before you accuse me of set him I never did !
no we are not ! whos asking? inbox me ?
My boyfriend for being such an amazing guy and for being there for me todaaay when i really needed him xxxoxoxoxx
I'm a girl , when are we not moody!
Aw Thanks You <3 :)
Who is this?
I KNow I Am :P
She's An amazing girl x one of my friends & good to talk to
Inbox Me ?!
School licker
Actually probs don't have much since half of them ****en hate me for no reason but all cool
Ronniie 0x0x OMG I missed yuh
um look properly not suitable to post on here
Yeah like last year though ...
I'm stil a virgin , so
-Rhiannon <3 -Harley <3 -Caleb <3
****en putting up with peoples **** !
when we met you walked to the abc centre with rhiannon to come and get. we strolled around for a while and **** and hung out with tyrone daniel ect. your a good kid to talk to . good to hang out with and really funny.rnwe got along so well and became really close at one stage and then **** just started happening. rnafter that we started talking again and became really good friends. & Yeah :)
Yesh I Have...
okay his a cool kid. good to talk to . good to hang out with . his funny and really weird sometimes. he makes up some of the funniest thinks i have ever heard of.rnim older then him but his taller then me so that s*cks -.-rnahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahhahahahahahahahaahhahaarnwe get along so well.rnbut not when he DOESNT REPLY TO MY INBOXES!!!!!!rnBut his a good kid :)
Nice kid
Lol awks moment when i dont . love
Not telling you m8
naw thank you so much x
well then inbox me and we can talk
Naw Thanks!
maybe i will
Uhmmm im not sure if i like him but his sweet C
Naw thank you xo
whos this? inbox me
Amazing Kid , i remember the first time i met him we were getting chased by people ahahaha ;] we've become so close and i miss seeing him <3
his a nice kid. good to talk to. good to chill with we've had funny memories and yeah :)
I like someone not naming who though
Rhiannon Davis: shes one of my bestfriends and i love her to bits. we fight sometimes but were always there for eachother and im glad i have her as a friend.
Mikki Ireland eh.
Bianca: shes so nice and shes good to be around and good to talk to. we get along sometimes and yeah
Jaazzy we use to be best friends and we got along so well and shes really good to talk to
Brylie so pretty and good to talk to and one of my friends.
ahahahahahahaha awwwies
AHAHAHAHAHHAH this isnt true but thank you.
who is dis.
inbox meeee
Riley; His a nice kid, good to talk to and good to be around
Caleb; f*** man so many words can explain how much i love this kid. his on of my best friends and i love him to bits no matter what. i havnt seen him in like 2 and a half months and finally in 8 days man ill be seeing him :D i cant wait. hehe his someone i can trust , we have amazing convos and we get along so well. <3 HIS MY BUTTHEAD (
Daniel; his a good kid and fun to talk to
Nick Batey; a really really good kid . always there for me , one of my friends & someone i can trust
nawww whos this ? inbox me??
who are you.?
me me me who?
inbox me.
australia,victoria melbourne , and somewhere in melbourne
what do you mean by this?
who by i have like 4
Nawww thank you <3
Louise :D
Hmmm My Cousin ??
i have like 14 cousins...
hehe whos this ??
Nawwww i miss you poohead <3 xo
Like One Again ....
who da hell is dis?
I dunno ;) jks
G is da italian way
J is da aussie waaay
apparently i ruin peoples lifes thats why :) x
Rhiannon :)
Riley :P
Caleb :D
Girl: Rhiannon: well not best friends yet but we slowly getting there. and shes a good person to be around. someone i can trust (sometime) and just good to get along with even though we fight
Boy: Caleb: OMG i love da kid. his my best friend and someone i can trust. from da day i met dis kid we got along so well ( he added me btw) his a gun at football and i cant wait till his next game :D
yeah so many atm
Uhm rudeeee.
Rhiannon Davis. shes nice, but were sorting things out so i dont know where its gonna lead
Mikki Ireland: have nothing to say
Jaazzzyyy phillips? i dont really know
Naw Thank You This Meant So Much x
Whos Dis?
Inbox Me x
Naw thank you x
whoever dis is inbox me.
LOL. friends arnt ment to set eachother up with someone then crack the f***en shi*s about it. so your talking about me hurting people. alright loveeeee xo
Naw sweetie. x
I Know Im Fat. But Still Done Need To Tell Me To Kill My Self.
Awh Cayoot
Thanks bby,
Naw thank you so much.
inbox me. x
his such a nice guy, good to talk to , cute, and really good to be around. even though ive met him like twice his a good friend :D <3
So Many. Hurting My Bestfriend has to be the main one.
Harrison: FUNNY KID/
Alycia: alright
Lauren: eh
Ruby: so pretty and really good to talkto
sophie: pretty.
Cameron: eh
Shes So Pretty,
Uhm Wot.? whos dis inbox me!
He seems like a cool kid , his nice , funny, cute, and were really good mates.
whats rude?
Mikki: James
Rhiannon: Riley
Hope: Dunno
Jaazzy: Dunno
Caleb: Verity .
Ben Scott: Dunno
Felicity: Jayden
Ben wade; Dunno
Rhiannon Davis. because she is someone i can trust . shes funny. and shes really good to talk to
Me :D jks.
inbox me it.
ahahhaha not trying to be mean. but even if we were the last 2 people on da world i still wouldnt date him. so No. sorry
Global concepts :) .
LOL. like the whole world knows dis answer.
So nice, one of my good friends, love the kid, really good to talk to. funny and yeah :)
Naw Thanks Bby :* x
My Teddy Bear. :'( Its all the way in my room and im in da lounge room D;