Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Dave Grohl
If you really want to know what happened between David and I you can inbox me. I won't bite.
Working as an agent for a super cool band.
And I miss you random citizen
You could say that
I don't know who you are so I can't answer that question.
Yes it was.
That made me smile
That is a difficult situation right now. Being in America has effected our relationship.
Rudeness. I hate it when people are rude, no matter who they are.
iPhone. Or maybe on of those new modula phones that are coming out.
I like the food here and the atmosphere. I love the nature in Australia.
Apparently not yours either.
'On a break'
I'm on Student Exchange for a year here. Ill be back to Australia in no time.
I am in Idaho
But he has no right to treat a girl like that.
Thank you whoever you are. I was standing up to a bully and a complete jerk.
Yeah I do, I really do.
Why don't you personally message me and we can have a talk about it.
America is going well. :). I have a great family. Good friends.
That's a hard question, there are many bad and 'good' (;)) jokes of the late David Flynn. The one I continue to use and always makes me laugh is 'Have you ever had Ethiopian food?' 'Neither have they'
The first person I properly dated is David.
I find that such a silly question. Of course I miss Hannah. She is my best friend, she helps me get though stuff. I may have been distant from her for the past month or two but she's still in my heart. I really miss her hugs and smiles. I love her so much. Xxx
Thank you, you anonymous spunk. ;)
Yes. A long distance relationship is very hard. It's not only just being not able to cuddle and kiss and stuff like that but we can't even see each other or just check in to see if the other is ok. Even though its only been a small proportion of the year I can't wait to see my baby. Being physically apart Is hard because one isn't there to comfort the other in hard times. I'm so lucky to be with someone like David, he is so understanding and is willing to go through this hard time with me. I love him a heap and I can't thank him enough.
Idk who you are so I can't say if I miss it or not. But sure why not.
Someone I wish I could see right now would be Hannah. We've been having problems for months now. It really needs to be sorted out.
Stuff that everyone doesn't need to know ;)
Everyone knows. Haha. I hope he does too ;)
I've hardly started. I will be back though. I miss everyone at home.
I don't even know who you are inbox me and we'll see.
David and Hannah. Nuffs said.
I trust my boyfriend. 100%
I can't choose between two people that mean heaps to me. They know who they are. I miss them because they chose to put up with my weirdness and I love them both so much. I wish could just hug them both. I can't wait to see them next year xxx
I love you so much.
Hannah Chummy Scott. She is bloody amazing. Nuff said.
I've been told that by many people. Thank for that. Xx
Thank you. Xxx I don't thin I'm beautiful, you know that, but I can't help it.
Thank you. And thank you.
Don't you dare say that About Hannah or anyone else. If you want to say such a rude comment, say it to my face and we'll see how many teeth you have left after that. Hannah is beauitful inside and out. You're insulting her yet you're the one being a heartless prick behind a screen.
I love you so much whoever you are. This definitely cheered me up and warmed my heart. <3
I definitely believe in love at first site but I also believe in falling in love with someone you've know for a long time.
I have little crushes on lots of people. But I have big crushes on a couple of people and they probably know who they are cause it's kinda obvious.
I'm hoping I get married. Getting married would be a dream come true to me.
That's a hard one, I have so many great friends. I have to narrow it down to 5?! Impossible. I'll try though. No order. Hannah. Laura Beth. Elliot. Davo. Rossi.
How dare you say that about a beautiful girl like her. Hannah is the bestest friend I've ever had. She not only has outer beauty but inner beauty. She has been through so much and she is so strong. For you to say something like that about her, you obviously don't even know her at all. If you have a problem about my decision of being her friend maybe come talk to me about it and we can set it straight. I will never leave her side, no matter what. She's stuck with me forever.
Hannah probably makes me smile and cry the most. I love her so much and wouldn't want anyone else to make me cry xxx <3
Hehehe. Naanaa you're too cute!!! Love you too!!!
The only person my status is about is my boyfriend, John. Remember him? Yeah. I wasn't thinking about anyone else till now thank you for that.
Idk either. There have been many happy moments and many sad moments for me. Maybe my happiest was either knowing I got 1D tickets, or a new guitar. My saddest was probably seeing my dad crying that was hard.
Hannah Scott. She is my best friend because she is amazing, accepts me for me and loves me for me. I love her sooo much and miss her heaps.
Thanks. X
Thanks love. Miss you. Xxxx
Cause butterflies member see their wings. They never see their beauty.
I love you too. You mean heaps to me love. Xxx
I love you too
You made my day. You make everyday.
Gonna miss you too love. I'll always be with you. In your heart.
I know who you are. Stop hiding you beautiful amazing girl.
Well you mustn't you think I'm beautiful.
A tbh on Hannah could take forever but I don't have that long so ill try and keep it short. Hannah is the most beautiful caring person ever. She thinks she's as ugly as a potato but in fact she is prettier than celebrity. We share everything together and I feel safe with her. I can tell her anything because I know she won't judge and will understand. I can't imagine life without her. She is the bestest friend I have ever had. Love her lots. Xxxxxx
Thank you amazing beautiful blind person.
Dear Mystery Person, I love you so much, I hate these little fights and stuff. You mean so much to me and to loose you would be horrible. Yeah me and him are happy but haters gonna hate right (bu dum cha). We will be with each other till the end. At least that's what I hope. Xxxxx love ya.
Is that any of your business? No. Then stay out of my personal life.
Thanks for the unneeded imput on my private life.
Yes I'm sure it's real but its my business so can you please stay out of it and worry about yourself. Other than me.
Very silly things. And yeah they're in the past and probably the future.
Love you too.
Please please please please please inbox me.
Bye bye. I'll talk to you soon maybe.
Haha. I'm not as good as I wish I was but thanks. And thanks for the advice, lower the bar. I'll try but we both know it won't work. Please inbox.
Haha. Ok.
Hello there amazing person!!
<3 that's really sweet. Please inbox me? It will mean a lot. <3
Ummm thanks I guess. And my relationship status is my problem and my problem only. Many people date people older than them. Are you the Einstein or relationships are you? Telling me if it's real or not is also none of your business. I am happy with him and I don't care if he is 10 or 20 he is mine and I love him. And if you do have a real big problem with that come and talk to me.
Bye bye.
Please explain.
Calm* and what am i doing to disturb you.
You* and I'm at the prime of my youth. I can only be young once. I'll do what I want thanks.
I haven\'t had se* so no.
Either a musician or a business person. Or both.
Tell me who you are and then maybe we can have a couple of words :)
Yeah :$ and I think he is.
I want to. But I don\'t.
Honestly no. But I try to. I pretend to. But I have never loved myself. Never ever.
First of all. Hello James. And they freak me out I don't like it. I will he you. I promise
That's a lot of words and I'm a girl of very few words so thank you