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Anywhere but here : ) !!
Can OwNly be my oNe and Only liSaQii :) !!! By the waYy I love u moRe than jelly bEanzz : ) !!
Kirsty jordaan and barbie gates ! :)
Nyahw te oulik ! Danki maiQ love u plenties !!!! En eks altyd soet pfffff :p
ElOooooo hehe anytime anyplace anywhere net een probleempii ek weetii wii jy isii haha
Aaahw can only be Della ! Love u most ey! DanQkii vii als jysii amazing eena whu!
Seeka manet my onE en only liEfiieQii but lovE u mOre than that pffff
Eka wEetii eK hoop ma sO en as hul m vRiende is vetrOu eK huL
Haha ag ja rite who is ts
Bwt 2 minutes
Lol danQii dutChiie StaYy aWesOme nha Xx
Haha who R u
Lmao u crazy b*m that's u Xx}
Sorry then talk 2 meh moRe nd ill talk 2 u
I don't ignore anyone if u talk to ♏e * ill talk 2 u
AgenunUs tsssst dnQii m mawterQii jys bja speshiaal nha ni soos spoeg en plak ni maar vi my n adorable mensie kanii vi n beter vriendin vra nii tssst stay awesome nha gerry bear lief juw bjaHh
Yes I am and its nothing to do with u aniway
YeS I wOuLd ....
Funny enough I can't 4get anyone I was once close with or even cared about but they alwaYzz tend to forget me ••••Xx
Haha uhmmm it dependz on who u aRe
I have a fEw •}
Don't make me angry now tell them to go f•••• Em selfs and grow up coz I won't wanna loose her friendship for the world
NoPe looooove em tew bitSs xoxo if u hadn't noticed my best friend is gay pfffft
Y u say so
We are pffft shell always be my friend
Nyaaaaaw tanX girL yeWr one in a million ey Xx. Laaaaf yew my kay k b*m>don\'t forget <{we must make memorieZz} hehrEw missin yew gang mii buddy
Yooh uhmm maY ÿ????????????? plZz pinG ???????•? ..
Aii jnG wEnz ek kon gluisTer heWt {•??°??å??•??° face gEe m bieQ juw bbm pin jy okay ou dutchman hmmm sjoE lank laas van juw ghOor
Haha uhmm gosh I dnO teLl me...
HahahaW aaaaaah maiQii ÿ????????????? r da bestEst ever pffff dats sOoo swEet hehe noW ma qhooh ???????•? .. Is Full of binkys love
Hehe nee ek heti
Hehe jaW jaw dt dun hehe ping m het lank laas met juw gprt hoop dt gaan gd met juw hmm?
Lol uhmm dnO who u R?
A number and a letter :)
I'm sorry but °? don't hav such tngz :)
Hahahahaha ya storm can onli be u
Lolz pfFfft MiSS juW punani bjaw gal!!! :)
Lol flip jaw erg jng ma dz seke ma tipiEs brakkies (brakpan lol hehe pfffft miskiEn miSs ??????
juW as ??????
weEat wiE jy is :)
Heheh sjOew uhmm °? can't rememba hehe (bbm can't watch face)
Lol nO °? don't hav onE :)
Wtf kry n lewe asb!
Hahaha ??????
weni eks maar slim wie is dt?? Hahha
Hahahaha nx want ??????
glo ni dt sal gbeur ni lol wies dt?
Hahahahaha WHAT?? Lmfao eeyoh iv never been in anyones bed L?L plz ping mE
No! And its non of ur buisness aniway
Lol uhmmm ??????
wEeti heheh ping m
Hejhe oh ??? gawsh plz ping me L?L I'm blondie tew alotta ppl
Lol eish kan net maxseen wEes?? Ping m bra
Uhmmm u dd ask ts Q alredi :)
Lol aSk mE whaT? Lol anD ask me however? :) who is ts?
Lol random heheh uhmmm °? dmO who u R :)
Aww tnX plz ping me :)
ThE ugly guY coz its obvious he is hot inside and ppl aren't realizing the beuty of inside lately...:) p.S ur awEsom maikQ
Lol ping nd ill tell u ...and tanx ey :)
L?L uhmm okay
LmfaO yooooooh awE bianca love u girL!!! Tanx u go girl :D yeah mmmmm that\'s ma bff pplz hahahah s*ckaaZ
HeYo heehe uhmm °? don't knoW ey* why?
Hahah nO after all they teaching me...
Heheh nEee hell ??????
isi gud met raai nie :P uhmmm simo? *)
Lolz uhmmm o???
IT taKes a biGger poessie tew nOtice a smaller onE but tanx for thE compliment :) y don't u hav the guts tew tell mE over bbm sO °? know who u R? Or is ur poessie ego tew small enuf for that ?
HehEw aWww!!! OtheR geRry b*m mE miss yeW moRe anD yEs wE gtta makE a plaN!!! Sma thEe weEkenD L?L
NevEr haD it!*
No,! YoH °? lOve dat chika 2 bitz!!*
EytO pataToe I'm 16 :)
Lolz aww fanx plz ping me
Plz ping me
BrEe made ??? day nxa
Yoh,maybE i just neva thought bwt u at that moment I'm sorry can u plz ping mE so °? can talk tew yew?
Hahahaw aaaw it can onlY be mY one and onlY mickeyQ!! Eish girl u knw hwta make ma daY :P lolz wE shoUld definatly make planz tew get togetha! :P
Hahahah Y don't yeW hav the guts tew tell me dat on bbm? Hmmm and °? didn't know a virgin is easy hahah and I'm sure the person askin me diZ has prbably been thru a whole rugby team so plz don't judge kay? Awesome :)
Hahah watz that supposed tew mean?
Hahahw pFfft kaN neT roman wEes :P lolz nEee ngi heheh :P
Hahahah my loss shame tnk ur ego just got lost :)
Hahahah shame dz maar noU juw prObleem daai want dt GANI gbeur ni :)
NEe! En dz nx met juw tedun aniway ni !
Hahahah Y don't yeW do mE a favour a piZz oFf??? Hmmm ?
Heheh hewt n paar. Soos lizaq , binky ,ArnO ,evie,lisa, bridgette en ekt punani bja goeie fwendz wat ??????
oor mal is sOoos geraldine ,mickyQ ,jawp kani aan almal se name kmi lol
Tanx heheh maY °? plz knOw whO ts iz plZ ping mE :) anD °? prOmise °? wiLl try me beSt tO be myseLf nO matta what :)
Hahah y don't u hav the guts 2 tell me that so °? knw who u are ?
Hahah i think i have a idea plz ping me
Lol uhmmm wOw oky :) why don't yew tell me on bbm? ..dnt be shY :P heheh wuld like tew knw :)
Heheh yea me2 gnna bE the beSt eva :)
Hahahah uhmm oky and whO mite dat be? Hmm
Hahah awww swEeT !!! looL plZ pinG mY wiL graag wEet wiE dnK eks Eetbaar looL heheh eN tanX jnG ** XOXO
Hahahah wEll I'm saving up hahah then we can go tew geteher hahah i know i know our parents has goood taste in namez hahah loooove u me buddy!!! Miss juw bja ekse my bru os moeT mos n plan dalla om te kuier ek se hahah
Hahahah yes i doo!! Can nli be bridgette
I guess...
Hahahah wishes come truE dreamZ don't :P
L?L miss ya mOre dutchie *)
Hahah aaahw me buddy lol I'd bE likE letZ kick as* in alien wOrld !!! WeLl makE a mean team. Lol love u me buddY tanX 4 everythinG eY *)
Hav nOo idea :)
Ag asb :/
Inv ??? weer 26B4EE90
Hahahw aaahw damn that's tew sweet lol plz ping me :)
Hahah ehhm dnt knw u?
Hahah Y u jelous?
°? neva dlt u lost my contactz but k kwl