Miss any close friends? Males?
Not that i can think of
Do you ever get sick of playing the ball game?
Nope, never.
Perfect girl?
Funny, great personality, easy to talk to and a great smile
Attractive girls in your year?
There's a fair few
Simple in a good way.
Don't know
Who would be the simplest people you know?
Simple as in dumb simple? Or they enjoy simple things?
Richest person you know?
Callum Bell
you're really ugly.
Well ****
got your eyes on anyone?
Who's your bestfriends?
Like, people and stuff
I think jack Batesy is a hunny!
are you a scruncher or a folder?
I like to mix things up.
colour of undies? you are wearing underwear...aren't you?
They're red and frilly around the sides
Bethany godde?
Don't know her very well, but she seems like she has a great personality and fun to be around! She's also attractive
Rachel Fletcher?
Don't know her very well, but she seems really fun to be around! She seems to have a great sense of humor, wouldn't mind to get to know her better
Gemma Salmon?
Gemma is one of the best people i know! She has the best sense of humor and is fun to talk to. She's so nice to everyone, and is really funny! :)
so...wats the goss?
Oh, you know, same old
What do you think your own best qualities are?
Mm, hard to say
I like to think so :D
Well you think right :)
Is your name google... because you've got everything I'm searching for :)
Oh, you're pretty smooth :)
Do you believe that you are a competitive person? BenjaminWalters
I do as i please
do u reckon you could beat a monkey in a fight?
Of course
ever walk into a pole?
I like to think that the pole walked into me.
would you ever consider getting monkey turd thrown at you for fun?
I guess i'd have to try it at least once
Ever peed on an electric fence?
Do u have any scares
A few actually
Do u make your bed every morning or just leave it as it is?
Leave it mostly
Do u ever get really emotional for no reason?
Do you have a phobia?
Ever watches the show "1000 ways to die"?
Celeb crush?
Jennifer Lawrence
Me? :)
Oh you're great, such a good person and stuff
Are you a good dancer or singer?
Do you consider yourself a good person?
Only on good days
Have you ever screamed like a little girl? If so, why?
Just before, there was a spider.
What's your favourite chip flavour.
Would you chop your own limbs off to save yourself?
Depends which limb
If you could ride in a time machine. Where would you go?
Do you have a lucky number or charm?
you're actually so attractive :(
Hahahaha! Thank you! :)
humuhumunukunukuapua'a is a great song. I highly recommend it.
I really like the drop.
Cal wants to date you!
Hahahahahaha! No, Cal's not gay
Would you let me take you on a date p.s I'm a guy tho?
Nice offer, but no thanks
favourite take-away place?
Don Giavanis or however you spell it
have you ever broken or fractured a bone?
if you could change one thing about yourself. what would you change?
Many things
would you rather have class or swag?
Why don't we just have both?
what did you last dream about?
I can't remember
I don't like dirty toe nails
Eww same
have you ever been in a punch on? if so, did you win?
**** off anon, I'm Gilbert's mate, there isn't too
Much wrong with me ;) give him a break. Lochieeee
Hahaha thanks :)
Maybe just a little wrong ;)
I agree, that Ben guys a bit creepy. bektully
Well Ben his crew/family are loud , creepy, and complete retards. You might be ok but the rest have something loose in there heads, oops they have no brain. The ranger is creepy.
Tell gilbert anything! Mmhmm if ya want all his so called mates to know!
what is your fav genre of music and movies?
Just anything i like really
***** please Gilbert doesn't hang around with anyone
He is in a crew
And our crew is basically family
Isn't that right Bert? BenjaminWalters
Oop, that's exactly right Ben ahahaha
Hahaha Oops I meant it as a good thing. I think your a great guy you seem really nice, caring and seem like someone you could tell anything to :)
Hahaha thank you! :)
Well you seem really nice and a bit quite, but the people you hang around with seem to be really loud and out there.
Oh ahaha, i'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing
Wot Eva ya hairy gerbal
Wat evs bro
Your mum looked baben yesterday ;)
Go away Paige. ;)
You seem different to the people you hang out with?
How so?
do you secretly love romantic films? is so, which is your favourite?
Eh. Don't mind Titanic actually
How do you get it?
Do you get it from ring kicked down the drop hole? BenjaminWalters
Yep, getting kicked down the drop hole
fergyburgers runs in the family. CalBells
It really does. Doesn't even skip a generation.
and what about my **** **** IN THE as* Tourette's?
I have assberger's Tourette's but I'm finding it **** CHICKEN BURGERS **** **** hard to cope with, what should I?
Stop having Assburgers?
have you ever missed someone so much it gave you eating problems and a mental health disorder?
All the time
last 5 people in your inbox?
All group inboxes #nofriends
if you had to marry Kristen stewart or miley cyrus. who would you marry?
Which ones richer?
do you say:
watched any good movies lately?
I haven't actually
anything interesting happen lately?
No, not really
if you could have absolutely anything for xmas. what would it be? like literally anything it could be a jet plane or your own castle etc.
I'd have my own island
To busy for your family to get murdered? ;) BenjaminWalters
They should be too busy to get murdered ;)
lets pretend u, your future wife & son were taken by a crazy murderer & he gave u a choice. save your wife or your son. which would u choose? it has to be 1 or all the rest of your family & friends will be brutally tortured infront of u.
which footy team do you play for?
New Mexico beavers
Obviously not busy since you are answering these questions ;) BenjaminWalters
Obviously I'm having a break from all the hard work I do ;)
I know you are busy
But get your busy as* home and play gta BenjaminWalters
I am busy.
We're leaving tomorrow Ben
So Gilbert why don't you reply to people for a long period of time? BenjaminWalters
Look Ben, I'm a busy man.
I can't actually do any voodoo but if I could, would you let me?
Well I guess you have to try everything at least once, so yeah
can I pull some of your hair out and do voodoo on you?
Sure thang
do you have 10 fingers and 10 toes?
I'm pretty sure I do?
what colour underwear are you wearing today?
Black and white ones
do you secretly hope you have super powers or are the future ruler of another planet but your parents are keeping it a secret until your 17th birthday?
Yes! I think super powers would be quite swell. Don't trust myself to rule a planet though
Try not to a a massive playa ;) Bcoly
As long as no one takes advantage of me ;)
Don't ruin my beliefs Gilbert!!! ;) I love Jesus and everything about him. I do, let's wait and see shall we? ;) Bcoly
The truth hurts lel ;) Alright then, we'll see ;)
Jesus is my leader. Not if I can help it ;) Bcoly
Jesus isn't real. Look, I don't believe you. ;)
Only a lil bit ;) hahaha I'm sure you can handle it ;) Bcoly
You should probably see someone. ;) I'm too mature to get drunk anyway ;)
I'm a tough girl Gil? You'll be tipsy on one ;) Bcoly
That's because you're an alcho ;) look, Hopefully I won't ;)
Hahaha that must be someone who is invited. But Gil if ya come, I'll get you suh wasstteeddd Bcoly
Ah hahaha. Nah ah, I'll get you more wasted. Hahah
Gonna drink at Beth's?
If I'm going I probably will :)
I have a very important question. will you marry me?
Yes, of course I will
have you ever been friend zoned?
I've never tried with anyone to actually get put in the friend zone ahahah :/