Jy en jou suster is letterlik die heel cuteste,
fashion sense alllles!💕
Baie baie dankie💓
Gix_ replied
1787 days ago
Who’s a coffee addict of your friend?
Most of my friends love coffee. I can’t really say who drinks the most😅
Gix_ replied
1789 days ago
I love u ❤️❤️
Gix_ replied
1789 days ago
How r u
I’m okay thanks. Hope you are well
Gix_ replied
1789 days ago
Are you and Marcha friends?
I don’t know how to answer this question but you probably already know the answer
Gix_ replied
1789 days ago
Who are you best closest friends?
And my sis💓
Gix_ replied
1789 days ago
What have you learned in these past few weeks?
I’ve just realized how for granted I’ve taken things. I’m definitely going to appreciate the little things so much more💓
Gix_ replied
1791 days ago
How are you?
I’m okay thanks
Gix_ replied
1791 days ago
Ek wens jy kon jouself sien hoe ek jou sien. Jys amazing en verdien die wêreld☺️
Jys super sweet. Baie dankie ek waardeer dit🤍
Gix_ replied
1792 days ago
How are you spending quarantine?
I’m taking it day by day. I study, read Gods word, spend quality time with my family, exercise and go for a walk or jog on days when I just need some fresh air🙈
Gix_ replied
1793 days ago
I hope you realize that you deserve someone who wants you on their best and worst days and who never makes you doubt yourself🤞🏻
This is so sweet🥺 thank you so much xx
Gix_ replied
1793 days ago
Van wie hou jy?
Dis complicated😅😂
Gix_ replied
1793 days ago
Jy en jou sis is goals?
Ek wil graag met julle n photo neem❤??
Baie dankie!
Jy kan enige tyd met ons ń foto neem🙈
Gix_ replied
1793 days ago
Georgia,ek will net gese het dat jys baie mooi en ooulik jys net die beste,ek wens dat ek was jou maar ek isie, u might not know me tht well but I just wanted to ask if u would also like to become my friend ,it's ok if u dont want to I sure do understand why
Dm me
Gix_ replied
1794 days ago
What do you wish this generations boys would learn?
I wish they’d learn that making an effort and being consistent is attractive
Gix_ replied
1794 days ago
Are you and joniel only friends or something more ?
We are just friends🙈
Gix_ replied
1794 days ago
Mis jou mooiste G 🥺 ons koffie sodra die lockdown en als verby is 🦋♥️ - LS xx
Mis jou meer my L🥺 ek kan nie wag vir al ons koffie dates na hierdie lockdown ♥️🌈 x
Gix_ replied
1794 days ago
Misss Jou nogals💕💕
Dm my💓
Gix_ replied
1978 days ago
You and Dia still cool?
As far as I know we still are😂
Gix_ replied
1980 days ago
If you could take a single photograph of your life what would it look like?
It would be a bird eye view photograph. These photos are taken at a unique angle and to everyone looking at it from afar only see what’s on the surface and what they believe they see but the people who love and know me see what’s happening deep inside💓
Gix_ replied
1989 days ago
Have you ever had feelings for Joniel?
Wouldn’t you like to know😅🙈
Gix_ replied
1989 days ago
Mooiste laerskool meisies?❤️
Al die meisies in die laerskool is mooi 🥰
Gix_ replied
1989 days ago
Sweet guys in your class?
All of them🙈
Gix_ replied
1997 days ago
I don't say these words at all, but this is the first time that I actually feel this way.
And I can't DM, the fact that I'll never be good enough to make you mine.
Just know that someone likes you a lot and that you are adored ❤
Why do you feel like you aren’t good enough?
You are too sweet. Thank you for telling me even though I don’t know who you are💓
Gix_ replied
1999 days ago
Georgia, I actually like you a lot❤ I keep on smilling when I talk to you. Ps, You're gonna be my future wife.
Wife is a big word😂😂
Dm me🤞🏼
Gix_ replied
1999 days ago
Hi. What are you thoughts of someone having a huge crush on one of your friends and they are shy to shot their shot. What advice would you give a person ?
Hi. You only ever miss the chances you don’t take so shoot your shot and don’t be shy
Gix_ replied
2016 days ago
Jy is die sweetste mens 😍
Jy is te oulik. Dankie😊
Gix_ replied
2017 days ago
Ek hoop jy besef eendag hoe mooi jy is en dat die hartseer wat jy die afgelope maand gevoel het jou nie gaan keer om iemand weer lief te he🧡
Die is net😫
Dit s*ck om seer te kry en om hartseer te wees en alles, maar dit gaan my nie keer nie🧡
Gix_ replied
2017 days ago
You have a beautiful heart💖
You are too sweet✨
Thank you so much
Gix_ replied
2017 days ago
The way you kissed me😭 I was even your first.
I’m glad you think you kissed me😂
You weren’t my first😅
Gix_ replied
2017 days ago
Are you open to a relationship?
Not at the moment
Gix_ replied
2017 days ago
Wats jou opinion op stacy van whk?
Sys die niceste en mooiste mens ooit😍
Super great persoonlikheid en mooi hart💓
Gix_ replied
2017 days ago
Let's do this. You whatsapp the person you miss Today and I'll whatsapp you as well. How about that? I mean you who this is😂
Okay cool😂You first though😂
Gix_ replied
2018 days ago
I really want to, but I can't. Some day you'll figure it out who I am. Just know that I really miss you. Miss your hugs and your smiles.
Atleast give me a hint?🙈
Gix_ replied
2020 days ago
Unspoken words always hurts the most. Let the person know that you're there for him atleast, even if you don't want to tell him that you have feelings for him.
Dm me please👏🏼
Gix_ replied
2020 days ago
Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in a blink of an eye but regtrets can last a lifetime.
You have a great point but fear of those feelings not being reciprocated over powers regret
Gix_ replied
2020 days ago
What is your message you'd like to leave for the guy you have/had feelings for ?
I have a lot that I wanna say to him but I hope he’s happy and that he gets all the love he deserves because he’s such a great person💛
Gix_ replied
2021 days ago
Why not? Or even just the initial of his first name?
It’ll be too obvious😅all I’m going to say is that his name doesn’t start with the most common letter
Gix_ replied
2023 days ago
What is the initials of the last guy you had feelings for?
I really can’t reveal that😂
Gix_ replied
2023 days ago
How many guys have you been with
Gix_ replied
2024 days ago
Do you think the past matters in a relationship?
The past is what shapes us into the people we are today, but it shouldn’t be a major factor in ones relationship
Gix_ replied
2025 days ago
How are you single? ? 😲 Nysir
Everyone wants a good time, I want a long time
Gix_ replied
2028 days ago
Wow you are seriously gorgeous 😍😍😍
You are seriously sweet!
Gix_ replied
2029 days ago
Do you think someone can truly learn from their mistakes?
Mistakes are our best teachers
Gix_ replied
2029 days ago
Have you ever had an unrequited love?
I feel like unrequited love is better than love from both sides but still not having it work out... But thankfully I’ve never had an unrequited love
Gix_ replied
2030 days ago
Hoe weet jy wanneer om vas te hou aan iets of om dit te laat gaan?
Ek sukkel nog met die, maar soms beruik jy net n punt waar jy moeg raak vir die possibilities van dalk kom hy/sy/dit terug. Dis flippen moeilik om iets te laat gaan, maar jy kan ook nie verewig vir dit wag nie.
Gix_ replied
2030 days ago
Is daar dinge wat jy al gedoen het wat jy regret?
Nee glad nie. Wat gebeur het het gebeur💓
Gix_ replied
2031 days ago
How are you?
I’m good thanks😊
Gix_ replied
2032 days ago
Please post your qooh pro pic on insta
I’ll think about it🤞🏼
Gix_ replied
2039 days ago
Jyt die mooiste hart💖
Baie baie dankie💓
Gix_ replied
2041 days ago
Relationship status?
Gix_ replied
2041 days ago
Do you still care for the guys who aren’t in your life anymore?
Always will.
Gix_ replied
2042 days ago
Gaan kyk jy rugby vrydag?🙈
Ek dink so🙈
Gix_ replied
2042 days ago
In my opinion, no one wants to fight when the going gets tough. Everyone has that mentality that if she/ he is difficult or takes time to open up “I’m not wasting my time waiting around.” Having feelings for someone won’t keep them and that s*cks but it’s how our generation works sadly. I have many more reasons but I don’t wanna dwell on the negativity, I still believe that if someone wants you and has the right intentions nothing’s gonna stop them from being with you!
Gix_ replied
2043 days ago
I can't deal with how beautiful you are 😍🙈
You’re too sweet✨Thank you
Gix_ replied
2044 days ago
What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve said or done around someone you had a crush on?
I’d like to think that I keep my embarrassment and weirdness levels to a minimum when I’m around someone I like😂
Gix_ replied
2044 days ago
But I've heard my name traveling among your friends and It was actually bad. But eyy, I have nothing against you and your friends.
Please dm me
Gix_ replied
2044 days ago
What do you do when you miss someone you’re scared to check up on?
I pray for them🙈my dad taught me and my sister to do so as my mom used to travel a lot when we were little and he’d ask us “do you miss mommy?” and whenever we said yes he’d tell us to pray for her. I guess that kind of stuck with me✨
Gix_ replied
2044 days ago
Hoe gereeld ontmoet jou ouers seuns?
My ouers ken meeste van my elke dag seuns vriende, maar ek laat ontmoet hulle nie net sommer enige iemand nie🙈
Gix_ replied
2044 days ago
Have you ever spoken bad about a guy?
Yes I have but to my sister😂so that doesn’t really count😂
Gix_ replied
2044 days ago
Heyy hoe oud is jy
Heyy eks 17
Gix_ replied
2044 days ago
Wat het jou ouers van die laaste ou wat hulle ontmoet het gedink?
Hulle het hom gelove😊my ma kon nie genoeg praat oor hoe oulik hy is en my pa al wil hy dit nie admit nie het ook baie van hom gehou en vra tot vandag toe nog oor hom🙈
Gix_ replied
2045 days ago
Advice on how to be constantly positive?
I’m possibly not the best person to give advice on being positive because man i struggle sometimes😂but knowing that God has a plan for my life and He will never ever forsake me always gives me a reason to become positive. It’s not always easy to stay positive because everything sometimes just becomes too much and we only see the negativity, but always remember that God has got you and He’ll transform all your negatives into positives💓
Gix_ replied
2045 days ago
Excuse me for being too straight but your lips make me wonder what the rest of your body taste’s like🙈😏
Gix_ replied
2045 days ago
Wat verkies jy: n brief of n geskenk van jou oukie? Ek weet die brief deel is onrealosties want ons seuns doenit nie meer nie, maar van n meisie se perspektief?
Ek is so n hopeless romantic so ek verkies n brief bo enige ander geskenk🙈dis nie onrealisties nie en ek wens seuns sou dit meer doen🙈to receive a handwritten letter means so much more to me then you spending money on me. A letter is something you cherish🙈
Gix_ replied
2045 days ago
Would you rather spend two years with your soul mate only to have them die and you never love again or spend your life with someone nice you settled for?
I’d spent two years with my soul mate because I refuse to settle with someone🙈I wanna love someone whole heartedly, even if it’s only for two years🙊
Gix_ replied
2045 days ago
What was the worst phase you went through?
Definitely primary school😂😂my jinne😂don’t wanna relive primary school ever again😂
Gix_ replied
2045 days ago
Would you rather be married to a 10 with a bad personality or a 6 with an amazing personality?
Definitely a 6 with an amazing personality. For me looks are great and all but if your personality stinks then you become less attractive to me. I’d take a guy with a personality over looks any day🤞🏼A super fantastic personality makes someone so much more attractive!
Gix_ replied
2045 days ago
What period in history had the best fashion?
In my opinion the 1950’s😍love it so much💓
Gix_ replied
2045 days ago
Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?
Always be 10 minutes late😂my sister loves being early for functions and literally gets into a state when she’s late but i on the other hand would much rather be a little late because like my mom says “you don’t wanna open the party”😂
Gix_ replied
2045 days ago
Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?
I’d rather lose the ability to speak🙈I’m sorry but reading is so much better than talking
Gix_ replied
2045 days ago
What’s your biggest screw up in the kitchen?
I was 12 at the time and thought after watching master chef I’d be a great cook, so I tried making eggs for my dad the one morning but I literally couldn’t get the egg off the pan😂it was stuck so by the time I finally got it out of the pan it wasn’t an egg any more😂
Gix_ replied
2045 days ago
So firstly you are wonderful i just wish you could see how much i care about you. You know me and I am just there in the back ground think how wonderful you are i just don't know if you will ever go for a guy like me cuz I mean have you seen your self
A guy like you meaning what?🙊
Dm me please.
Gix_ replied
2060 days ago
Eerste soen??
Don’t worry about that🙈
Gix_ replied
2076 days ago
Ken jy rerig vir Warren van graad 6 af?
Ja, ek ken hom al baie lank🤞🏼😂
Gix_ replied
2077 days ago
Your smile makes my day, every day
Gix_ replied
2077 days ago
You're the cutest girl I've ever seen 😍🙈
You’re the sweetest🙈thank you!
Gix_ replied
2079 days ago
Is jy okay? Wees eerlik asb want jy was nie laas week okay nie. Ek wil jou sien smile
Ek is beter dankie🤗dm my asb!
Jys so oulik!
Gix_ replied
2079 days ago
Why do you and your sister always tag each other
We take each other’s picture so that’s our way of giving each other recognition😂
Gix_ replied
2080 days ago
Why are you in Germany?
I was in Germany for an exchange program💛
Gix_ replied
2080 days ago
Wat kan n ou doen om jou bietjie beter te laat voel wanneer jy down is en hys naby jou??
Hy kan my net n drukkie gee of n paar actually?n drukkie van die regte persoon op die regte oomblik sal my altyd laat beter voel❣️
Gix_ replied
2156 days ago
First kiss??
Don’t worry about that?
Gix_ replied
2156 days ago
Doen jy en jou suster nog ballet??
Ja nog altyd☺️?
Gix_ replied
2158 days ago
By the time you read this know that I am missing you a lot G!❤
Miss you too❤️
Gix_ replied
2272 days ago
You are my favourite girl G❤
You are my favourite❤️
Gix_ replied
2281 days ago
Jys baie mooi?
En ek love dat jy so plat op die aarde is?
Awww jys te sweet☺️Baie dankie?
Gix_ replied
2287 days ago
Since you and mikyle are so close are you guys a thing?
If not who is the lucky guy?
No we’re not a thing we’re just besties?
You’ll have to wait and see?
Gix_ replied
2291 days ago
You have so many guy friends?Who is the closest one?
Gix_ replied
2303 days ago
Would you ever help someone you don't know that's going through a rough time with their parents getting divored??
Of course i would. Just dm me✨
Gix_ replied
2317 days ago
just dropped by to say i think ur a wonderful person❤ and that u should keep poppin' regardless of what these dumb hoes have to say❤ you knw ur real and u dnt need their approval and any guy would be lucky to have you honestly ? ?
This?this is honestly so sweet?Thank you so much! I hope you know that you’re an amazing person. Please dm me??☺️
Gix_ replied
2317 days ago
You are so amazing?
You are so sweet☺️
Gix_ replied
2317 days ago
Wow jy is die mooiste mens onder die son ?
Wow jys die sweetste mens onder die son☺️
Baie dankie?
Gix_ replied
2320 days ago
Life without u is like a broken pencil pointless
Soooo cuteee☺️
You are so sweet☺️
Gix_ replied
2322 days ago
Kan nie wag om jou more by die sokkie te sien?
Ai jinne?☺️
Dm my dalk kan ons n foto neem?
Gix_ replied
2322 days ago
I love your smile?
Awww thank you so much?
Gix_ replied
2322 days ago
Cutie pie ?
Awww thank you☺️
I bet you’re even cuter?
Gix_ replied
2325 days ago
Net vriende✨
Gix_ replied
2335 days ago
Wats jou instagram naam
Gix_ replied
2344 days ago
Kan ek jou dm asb dis nogal persoonlik
Ja sure?
Gix_ replied
2344 days ago
Kan ek jou raad vra asb
Ja enige tyd✨
Gix_ replied
2344 days ago