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Ask me stuff :3

21 Replies

Why did you block me and my friends? We don't understand and are very upset

I'm confused I thought people hatedme so like wouldn't me blocking y'all be good?

Glitterfacejazz replied 2827 days ago

The secret to a good friendship is... ?

Trust and laughter I guess ahah

Glitterfacejazz replied 2861 days ago

What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?

How many relationships they've had.
It's better to have be with one person and have a happy relationship with them other then seeing like 5 people at a time

Glitterfacejazz replied 2868 days ago

What's the most expensive thing you own?

Probably my Xbox tbh I don't even know how much anything I own costs

Glitterfacejazz replied 2879 days ago

Who do you like?

I'm not telling on an anonymous website that info if I trust you enough I'll tell you through DM :)

Glitterfacejazz replied 2886 days ago

When were you the most happy and why?

Last year because I moved away from a lot of bullsht and began a new life. Now I don't really have that new life kinda feeling but I'm still happy just not as happy??? I must sound insane

Glitterfacejazz replied 2886 days ago

Why are you single?

Because I'm a luxury very few can afford
No it's because I'm a geek

Glitterfacejazz replied 2888 days ago

What do you want for your birthday

A dinosaur,
A lot of food,
A cat,
Yeah I actually don't know what I want and it's a month away yikes

Glitterfacejazz replied 2897 days ago

There is a fire! You can only save 3 friends... go!

Oh sht okay uh? Kaylee's my fiancé so I have to take her and I'll take Liv bc she's my side cumberbtch and I'll save izzy and we can fit the rest of the gang in her camping bag

Glitterfacejazz replied 2900 days ago

Ermff who are you?

That's a question I ask myself everyday and I still haven't found the answer to it

Glitterfacejazz replied 2900 days ago

What is one thing you know if you stopped doing, you would save so much money?

Eating. I only buy food or games so

Glitterfacejazz replied 2900 days ago

Thats a Dingo right?

No? It's a Shiba Inu

Glitterfacejazz replied 2902 days ago

What could you talk endlessly about?

Anything really. Mainly cats

Glitterfacejazz replied 2904 days ago

What specific thing do you dislike about people?

they're people.

Glitterfacejazz replied 2909 days ago

Why do people eat cheese even tho it's mould? Why do we gag at the thought of eating mould but we are chilled with cheese? The mysteries of life.

That is so true oh my god. I guess it's because, Like yeah it's mould but it's more attractive?? ?? I'm lactose intolerant though so...

Glitterfacejazz replied 2910 days ago