Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
That's kinda personal, I wouldn't want to share on here, sorry :/
Yes, I like the pickles :3
Not everything is perfect and I can't give a number out of ten to describe my entire life but I would say I'm pretty happy with it, I've got amazing friends, family and opportunities :)
I can't remember much about it, but since the day my baby sister came into the world I have had an infinite amount of happiness across 15 years :) I love you and I miss you Sophie <3
Oh, cool :)
Hotline Bling..
If I were you I'd ask Ayla :P
everyone :/
My monster, hidden by all the mess I feed him.
Freedom to watch as many Zac Efron, Dave Franco, Michael J. Fox, Channing Tatum or Taylor Lautner movies as I wish and not feel guilty for drooling :')
Hehe I'm still pretty short :P
Inbox me if you really want to know, but I don't want to share that information on here
I'm sorry? I am who I am and I'm happy with myself. If you aren't, you don't have to associate yourself with me.
I mean I have a thing for someone but not sure if i completely 'like' them. Confusing I know.
Closest year 10 - Shaz, Closest Year 11 - Kaavya and Michaela, Closest Year 12 - Not really close with any
TEDDY BEARS DO NOT EVEN HAVE BRAINS THEY HAVE STUFFING. Maybe if they grew up and became real bears with brains they would remember that unicorn blood is toxic and will kill them.
Jennifer Lawrence or Emma Watson? They're all great people, but I feel like I know 6pb better :)
They're all pretty top! Everyone just has something different so its hard to pick out the top kids :/
Eating food and thats about it.
Keen to know who they are or keen to kiss them?
No I do not, and I never have.
Maybe I have, hopefully not for the worse though. Message me if you're upset about something x
My sista cause she be tryna tell me how to live ma life
I wouldn't say I've gotten really close to anyone lately, there are people I have spoken to more, but yeah not really, I would say maybe michaela and I have grown a tiny bit closer but we were already close so I don't know.
It's hard to name one person, I think everyone I know has changed in some ways, not necessarily for better or for worse, but change is inevitable and it happens to everyone
Good we can fight evil together with them
Um I think I might pass on that thanks
PEANUTS PEANUTS PEANUTS AND FOR GODS SAKE CAN ANYONE WHO EVER HAS THOSE DESPICABLE THINGS KEEP THEM FAR FAR AWAY FROM ME. Also allergic to grass, cats, dogs, rabbits, horses, guinea pigs and people who hate unicorns.
Ilys Beb you make me a better 12 year old, and luke has got the moves but you have the 25 year old face that I've been looking for my whole life. I'm so glad I finally found you :) ily
Guys don't put me under so much pressure here, I mean Luke Williams you're pretty snazzy but Jason is ma beb
Well that's a tad harsh don't you think.
These are secrets that I do not have the authority to share.
#soznotsoz, shameless self promotion and all that yeah, I like to feel loved once in a while because you're mean to me and want to battle my unicorns :( well I don't really want to have to eat you, I don't think you'd taste that great, but if it means you will leave my unicorns alone then I guess that's just a step I'm going to have to take.
☺️ little nugget some day your brain will be able to comprehend the wisdom and intensity that is michaela and I, I'm sure
POKEMON IS FANTASTIC but to be honest I've only played it a minimal amount of times. I had it on my DS but it broke so I cried and now I can't play it anymore :(
*gasp* how did you know!? Keep it on the lowdown, but JG is, like, a GOD omg. He is a terrible photographer and an even worse spy, but he's an amazing singer AND guitarist and that TOTALLY makes up for it :) JG is Definately my fave out of him and his brothers, partly because he makes me feel a little bit smarter, but mostly because he's ADORBS. Love him love him omg omg he's just too damn hot. P.s Jason baby did you end up getting your doughnut holes? ❤️
Am I one of your bffls?
I'll take the arms you take the legs and give the rest to charity
I did not think my plan through damn How could this happen
Yeah it happened to me once and I had to have my cauliflowers cut out and new robotic ears were stitched on so now I can hear peoples thoughts. Never told anyone that story cause they won't believe me but meh.
Please, your bears are half the size of my unicorns, my unicorns will sprinkle them wit levitating dust and your bears will just glide upwards and out of site and never come back down. No fight even needed
We'll travel near and we'll travel farrrr OMG love the wiggles! :)
It is true, I have an army of 27 huge rainbow unicorns with horns the size of a man-child and they all live underneath my bedroom in their secret hideout equipped with a tennis court and swimming pool. However my unicorns are quite picky on what they eat and they don't like human hearts, so I don't so that anymore IM NOT EVIL
Aw thanks niz you really look out for me as a friend, you are so kindhearted
The more appropriate question would be - do you even unicorn? - to which I answer, absolutely yes.
It's lovely to know you think that, thank you very much :)
Hopefully I won't have time to miss them because I'll try and see them regularly!
Wow tough question, everyone is funny in differnt ways, but (jmss) Victor, Adele, Isabelle, Neel, Adam, Naomi, Tom (other) Josie, Alannah, Les, Zach, Mitchell, Sofia, Maddy, Courtney OMG so hard everyone makes me laugh too hard
Nisura weerakkody
And you're a funny two :p
I don't know muht very well yet, he seems like a really cool guy but if he's friends with niz then maybe that's not the case... :p I'm excited to get to know him better and find out haha
German on the left and British on the right :p ...haha German from mum, British from dad
I obviously cannot hang out with everyone I want to at the same time, and I generally hang out with the people I feel more comfortable with. That being said, I love meeting new people of all different types and would like to get to know other groups better, but don't most people stick to just one or two friendship groups? I am sorry if that comes across as being selective, and if you wanted to start a conversation with me I would be happy to chat!
German and British, born and raised in Melbourne :)
JMSS: Kaavya, michaela, Nisura, Callum, Arni, Mary, Naomi, Victor Other: Mitchell, Josie, Sam
Something in Biology or Performing Arts :)
Lots of people from JMSS, like Rashmida, Sophie, Maddi, Liana, Natasha, Alisha, Christian, Sebastian, Abhir yeah lots. And most people that I don't know very well from Camp Rock! Also Ed sheeran, Troye Sivan, Shawn Mendes and Ariana Grande :p
ENGLISH LANGUAGE, cause I learnt that your use of the word fav, may be considered a lazy way of saying favourite by some, but in months or years to come it could be a dictionary word. Hah hah
My spirits cause SCHOOL IS OVER YAY
I don't want to think I've lost any friends, certain people can become more distant or closer friends, but I haven't lost any!
But you spend all your time in Flannery m8
Looking back at my life when I'm old and wrinkly and having nothing to laugh about and feeling like I didn't do everything I wanted to. That or clowns
I have no comments on 'Big Tone'
I would say Naomi, Neel, Kieran, Meagan and Isabelle
Thank you so much lovely person this made me smile :) ❤️ But I am not perfect, I eat Nutella from the jar with a spoon and get it all over my face most of the time :p
Fab question, I'm gonna go with Decoration - nisura Taste - Adele Speed - angus
I know many gorgeous girls, I can't say one who is the 'hottest' because there is no one hottest. All of them have amazing qualities and are beautiful on the inside and out. Yes I have poured mozzarella on this but meh it's true :)
My sincere apologies, I don't know many dj's, but I rekon Carey and Hashira drop some pretty sick beats :p
Thank you thank you thank you thank you I love you I wish I knew who you were thanks for making me happy ❤️
6pbeee plus like Callum, Arni, Jeremy, yoshi, Richard, Beau and more and then Kaavya, michaela, Isabel, Genevieve, Mary, Adele, Erin, Meagan, chelsie, Naomi, sanushki, deshi, Natasha, Alisha, Neda, both Laura's, Kim, Ellen, emefa can I say EVERYONE PLEASE THERE ARE TOO MANY TO LIST
Random/spontaneous things or people
There is a line between confidence in oneself and cockiness. People who are comfortable with themselves and can acknowledge what they are good at and bad without trying to draw a heap of attention are far more likeable than people who puff out their chest and boast about how amazing they are.
Why are you so kind? X :)
I am not sure what you mean by this?
A potato is the highest form of godliness so i am currently at the unicorn level but once i have eaten enough rainbows and takes the herbs rectally i will level up and become a true potato.
Of course I would, I love getting to know people and there is still so much I have yet to learn about people including my friends. Those are just the main three I know and trust the most.
Kaavya, Michaela, Nisura I probably am closest too at this stage