anyway...whr u @
My hometown
y r ppl askin u so much bull****?
#wonderingthesamething# Let the haters hate. .
wht a green envy u hv!why dnt u wnna b mrrd,u batla u be motle u le mong?nh!pass tht 2 ur chld 2 le bana ba rona ba bone tht beauty..
Lol.. Not getting married doesn't imply u're infertile now does it?
D u watch p*rn?
The word itself is foreign to me.
Hw many *ex partners d u hv @ de moment?
You're asking me dogpoop
u leshano u feitse roma. U only got accepted into a betta school a couple of months ago, if nt last month.
Y shud u lie about it?
Who says im lying about it.? Ofcourse i failed.. O bitter keng? Roma eo formatile? Hahahahaha
u r beautful Gloss.i wsh i ws ur man.
When am i sleeping with you baby,as a matter in fact when are you sleeping with me?
Mxm. . I'm hoping your momma raised you better than this. .
ha o sa kena skolo Roma hoba o feitsi kapa o tsoile fela?
I left because i could*.. Wena ono ka dula if u got accepted into a better school??
frnkly u ar d bst lady in twn,so i lyk say hy hear a bro out,gv hm a chnz,he might b so fkn humn,.
No one said u wasnt human. .
who is yo current bf? Wen ws d lst tym u saw hm?
No one. .
Why Gloss*448*??? The name that is
It picked me. .
how's this pickup line? My love for you is like diarrhoea,i cant hold it fiddy69
Hahahaha, wat happens if i can actually hold diarrhoea??
Wat a hectic moment u last had?
Is this a question?
if i wnt 2 b ur lva,wud u tak a risk of giving it a try?why?
I wouldnt dare
'likhohlopo tsa lengoloi' ne li sa nkhe? fiddy69
Hahaha..wa nsella wena 60.. Angelboots made me different, i wldnt let em stink.. ;-)
anyone kapa o hloka tse tona feela? Gal bt itz nt yet 2 late go bck hme
What're you even talking about?*
Very interesting reading: all dis Qs & ur insightful comebacks...u r not just a pretty face, go gal!
I'm flattered ;-)
Ke leribe hotel o katla hona joale ke pirimeletsoe joale ke hloka motho
Board a taxi back to wherever u came from
tel me 2u gt d hav filz fr a strngr,thn mak a mov on frst side?
Say waat??
Hv u evn gvn out a ****job? If so is it coz u lyk o u jst do 2 plz ur bf?
Nasty mutha**
o ngwana sekhorane?
Ke ngwana motho
Is it possble 2 see u in person than in pics?
Yes it is
Wht z in btwen de cat?
Hahaha, ke hloho ya hao e hlaetseng moo?
why dont u coment on ur frnds sttses or update?u always upload photos & dats only wat i know abt u.
I do comment and i also update, once a week i think.. U wldnt notice coz my wall is soo busy.
Wats ur motivation in life?
Being surrounded by loved ones
o celeb ya lesotho na??
Nope.. I keep a super low profile.
what can u said if u find out that ur dad he s datin ur best friend?
Sh*t. . My dad has morals
2 folow up on d last Q! Hw long shud i wait b4 u adopt me? lol...i want u 2 own me Tshepo.m.k
Ah ah ntate..u lechuo kannete. .
U dnt reply 2 ur inboxes on f.b y?
Because ha di fele. . And they're all the same. I prefer wallposts.. Inboxes take time and dia bora
wht's ur main aim abt ur future nd alst whn d u wanna b mrried?
My aim is to make money and build a better future for the child that im planning to adopt. I dnt wna get married..well, it hsnt crossed my mind
what's the best thing you ever like about you?
That i'm a very forgiving person.
How is it be born again?
Im a catholic dear. . I love God but hake mopholoswa if thats wat u mean.
honestly,hw many guys r u in lv wth?
Inlove with? Zero. . Dating? Zero. . Im single and not inlove wth any guy at present. .
Hv u eva cheatd on ur boyfrnd if yes y?
Nope.. I usually break up wth them instead of cheating. .
not sure if its too personal. U kile oa hlaloa ke boyfriend?
Yes. . But he apologised a few hours later ra ba sharp
do you love me?
And who might u be?
Which celebrty do u crash?
I change em every week
Wen r u planning 2 visit ur daughtr in Mft 'm'e towe? NUL aint da only plce. . .*bittr child* tltltltltl
Baby waka a motle.. Skang kwatela.. Ke tle neng?
man realy wats with so much social networking..?ho so hlokomele hore u so re bora.?
Hahahahahahahaha. . Is that why u still cant unfriend and block me.?? Sek u bitter ho hlanya. .
Besides money what do luk up 2 in a guy.
Money? Heiffer u better not be tryna call me a gold digger. .
Wht knd of magazine do u read
Seventeen magazine <3
Gals of ya tym ba rata mauty a d tranzi.hw bout ya?
Ha! Id rather have my own ride. .
U ar de switst thn evr,i c hw u answr dz questns.u dnt let dm gt u dwn.dz isnt a questn i knw,its a cmplment.
Thanks ey. . =D
Whch sport do u lyk mst?
Couch potatoing
Do u evr vizt 2 butha-buthe?...n does a day pass wth awt any1 proposing u?
Yes and yes
Wht do u nrmly do as a bad habit?
Bite my nails
Do you like hype & atention that guys gv you..?
Up to a certain limit.. Everygirl likes a lil' attention but sometimes it gets out of hand. And some guys are just plain freaky. .
Whr u now
My hometown.. Hlotse, Leribe
hw many tyms do u hv xes in a mnth?
I go years without exes dear. .
***** 2 hlotse 2day, whr can i meet u? Wana propose personally.
are u a virgin?
That's private info.
Why r U so beatiful & why do I luv U so much?
Im flattered thanks
U r hot.cn w date.
Errr, thanks and no. . I barely know u
Hv u eva s*ckd a **** b4?
5 things u would never do or that terribly make u sick
1. Touch a worm 2. Get into a catfight over a guy. 3. Go a whole week without wearing black or green. 4. Hold a grudge. 5. Forget my family.
Kea utlwa u faild nul,whr do u go 2 skul nw?nd do u stil luv malebanye?
Lol, im not in skul at present and as for malebanye, im kinda lost. .when did i ever love him?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really.. Do u?
dnt 4gt 2 pray 4 ur dy 2 moro
Thanx i'll try not to
where do u currently reside?
Hlotse Leribe, Lesotho
Wud u french kiss a gal???
Haha..only to save my life.
Do you know that you look like petunia peggy?
Who's that?
U really from Lesotho and wat ethnic r u?
Yes i am and i'm a Mosotho. Pure and proud
Has any one ever told u that u kinda resemble Angelina Jolie in a way?
Uhm, once or twice, but that was way back in high school
would u ever cheat on him?
Am follow @justosix, do i get a follow back now?
Sure thing
Any ada name xpt Gloss?
Wht if i ask u 2 b ur boyfriend,wud u agree?
Ah ah. .
Are you on twitter? If yes, your user
Yes i am but im hardly ever on there. Gloss448
how ws ur 1st kis
Do u hv a boyfriend?
do u own a vibrator....if not, why???
No, i dont need one
whch type of bed u slp on?
Errr, single
when was da 1st tym u popped da cherry?
Haha, and you??
Hobaneng u le motle hakale?
Replica of mom and dad. . Thank you.
hw evol is love?
Haha..spell it backwards*
wt type of fd do u eat ?
I probably eat everything that u do.
if u 2 b mrrd wt type of a guy do thnk z rt 4 u? Eg rich poor average?
One who earns less than i do*.. (G)
I think that you Rock.. Okay, Scratch that... I know that You Rock!!!!
#TeamGloria lol tee_el
You're awesome Tee =D
Is it true that whn I smoke I wnt get to heaven?
Lol. . God loves us all
Wil u come if i invite u 4 my brthdy prty?
Depends on the venue dear
do u think Makalo(MK) is hot?
I dont think i know him...or her..
u mst b jesus sista cy hey u a beauty
You're too sweet =D. Thank u
wt z gud btwn *ex n kis?
I believe it all depends on which u prefer
In case i pop in ur house nw.hw wud u treat me?
Id treat u like an unannounced visitor.. 'Cause that's what u'd be.
Hng.!!.. Does that mean wena u would??
zit true dat da note fiddy wrote is bout u?
You'll have to ask him that question.. But i hope it was about me. . Nigga's got talent ey*
U so sho of urself...n pipol hate.it...wat is zit bwt u?? Change
U're too chicken to say that to my face and I hate it. The sad part is we've never met. But thanx for takin time out of ur "busy" life to send me hatemail. I just wish i cared what u and ur "people" think.
O ipona o le ho kae kamora lemo tse ts'eletseng?
In skul..headed for my masters* :-)
wats 1 thn u h8 bwt urslf
The fact that ppl just look @ me n judge. They dnt care abt what i hv to offer*
so do u enjy driving niggas crzy? coz al ths fools are drooling ova yall,i am 2 b4 dnt hate jst asking!!
Lol, i dont know how to respond to this one..
Wts d stry ka wena le scribo punani..?
How bout u ask me that question face-to-face..not anonymously.. Thats if u really wanna know*
Boyfriend ya hao ke mang?
I have a girlfriend.. #Relationshipstatus#
R u cute or hot?
Lol..u tell me*.. I prefer cute though *hides*
What things you hate most?
WORMS *yuk*
What is your weakness?