Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
You already know the one , do it till its ova guuurl , Make me proud;) hahaha
I didn't forgotten about chu meeeehhhhn ! *Gee Loves you still*
Ex Brace Face:P
Lol appreciated ... Thanx for your comment/compliment ... But Nah- I write my own - in my spare time ... But- Matric now -so won\'t be much happening surrounding Gee this year -music wise
I could do that:P
Becca is just one Awesome chick:)... Biig love 4 her:)
Lol... Shez just my friend! WHY YOU TRIPPING!???
Zametime bra! Hornswaggle!
Lol, who iz this:/
:) thanx I guess, compliment is a compliment... Lemme know wu u r? Please? 27381F28;) bbm pin if u wana add me, need new contacts :P
Lemme guess?:) Yu miss me?:P hope I'm thinkin this is the same person
BeatKillaz... 4 Guys from MosselBay... You know how it goez, 1 hand washes the other...I distribute their stuff here, they do mine there...
Lol... Awe Dawg ...BeatKillaz Represent... Julle netso tight ..Keep it up
Lopl...ever hear about elivating? 4 years ago ma man... But thanx bru...Lemme know who u are on fb, My BIS off at the moment, waitin 4 my new phone...salute*
:P... ofcause you do:P...hehe
Lol...Thanx mahn:)...English is actually my first watch this space ...
Are you crazy? I dont even drink lmao
Lmp2...Have A Nice Day:)...the only thing I'm "Grippin" iz your kints ***...agen,hava nice day*
Lol...You must have the I.Q of a Sheep?...I'm guessin..
Jessi:P... Mwah...My Hippo:D...I Miss you as much.. Too much infact...
Hehe,I'll never forget meetin u... Throwin me with your popcorn :PX_X...hehe...awesome;)...
Love yu Lots
Eish... Mybru Confession is ona Sunday... Sorry, can't help you with your self-image problemz... LMKJ bra, now that's sad:)
Becauz I Can Be;):P...Thanx u awesome person:)
Tec Or Dub?
Lol.. Me ? Windgat?? Sorry man... 2 much gas in my stomach... Can't ma naar ek sal verstaan ...
Lmao!!! Are you SICK in your head????? That's MY CAR!!!
Lol...I'd Rather be holy than drunk on a friday night... Like you!!
And because I'm a practising Christian...
Omw! Its like you know how I feel! Hehe, Miss yu awso Beckykinz:P mwahz
Lol, Maybe I will:) but eish...modeling iznt my thing...
Lol but YOLO;) so I'll enter
Lmfao! Oh my wooord! Are you serious? My weight? I only weigh about 64kg so it can't be me(G_G)
Lol but OKAY I'll come fix it for you!
Just becoz you super cool:)
Ima finish it after exams...
Hmmm... I can't remember any1
Mwahz...Maybe with 1 of those Punk rockers:( or those 1D guys:( aaaaahhhh...Lovya baybee dare she(G) lmao...
Lmao... Eish... Ppl gonna call me vain... How bout I tell yu what I don't like???
The pimples...(-_-)
Hehe...Love You Biiig time:)* mwahz...
Lol...Marina...I'd become a Rock Star! On one condition... You, Tanya , Tilden and Shudley Joins my band:P;)...
Rock On Babe;):P
Lol, duidlik...dnt hate coz u hava low self-image bra...
Jho... No comment
Joh... ALEX?? Let's Jus Get this straight... Alex galz are Hot...
Lol, What's With all 'the hottest giirl @..." Questions???
But Ya... Micky B:P
Too Many:) ...
Lmao! Lemme Guess Nadia?
Lmao! Was This Post suppost 2 irratate me?***
Lol, My Mind! My Decision!:P ag noo its awl good bbe
Lmao! Yu payin me back even if I don't come visit you
About what!? +.o
Awe dawg*
I don't know, but I don't wanna play 1st team cricket 4 vp... Way too much favoritism
Not being vain...but when I'm in form I think I bat the best... Bat had a bad season
I hope this is a Thanx;)
Lol, a crush is suppose 2 be I can't tell yu in public...but I promise I'll tell you if you inbox me or ask me on bbm;)
Lol... Well , I bowl spin too now n then...but I think I mus give Lubi the credit...he has the ability 2 confuse me every now and then :)
In our school? No-one ... Only one girl... But I can't say publicly... Matric tho:P...(big clue)
Lol... Mus I answer this? I don't think I'm gonna...
Hmmm... She knows who she iz... I chat to her everyday:P ...
Uhm... I don't play 4 that team...#sies...
Lol..."White gurly who came 2 watch" That helps ... Mwaz
My 'I know what'? Whaaaat?
YES! I do:)
Eish X_X
Lmao! The Opposite of SIT:D lmao... No I'm jokin...STAND is part of TADA which is simply taking a 'stand' against Teenage Drug and Alcohol Abuse etc etc...
Lol... If that's what you think:).. Its fine you don't have2 believe me, I can't make you believe me ...
Yes You right... Its friendship... My word... Marinas a nice girl I must admit, But we friends!!!!!!!!!!! Close friends... You see, the thing I hate is when someone is My status.. People AUTOMATICALLY asume we dating... Ai
Lol... Nothing:)... We Just really close, and besides that's what friends do:).. Spend time together..we jus do it differently and have Milkshakes 2gether:)
Lol... Thanx:)... Ya nah, lol, I guess I try?? Lol... Don't really know how 2 reply 2 this...
But Thanx:)*
Lol...awe... I'm miiiiin bout wueva yu speakin bout brada...
Naaah* not that I can think of
[Y]es...No...Maybe... Y[e]s...No...Maybe....Ye[s]...No...Maybe(G)...
Lmm2! If this is Reece.... Come find out yourself what I think... Don't be bang and ask on social networks
Lol Awww, Thanx mahn:):)... But There's more 2 being "well-rounded" than just the things yu mentioned tho...
Thanx anywayz... Lemme know who you are... Pleez;)
Best Flow-Earl
Best Style-Earl
Best Multiz_I don't know any recording artists who use multiz... But watch this space#TeamTMSO gonna have their own soon*Killo*...
Lol... No Lie... I hate Short Hair...
Uhm... Honestly... I think of myself as the best... Not being vein, just what I think... But besides me, its my bra Jakes... Hat man has TALENT!! Most potential would probably be Meezy.. But Iv got my money on a guy called Killo, hasn't started recording yet tho
Lol... Maak ma soo...
Lol, Maybe bru... Lol, if you wanna know... Gaan vra haar self dawga, or ask me on bbm or inbox me
Lol, Ahoy? If you wernt gna believe me , why ask the question? You obviously have your answer in your head
Howmany of the same questions do I need 2 answer???
I Don't label girlz... So, tell me who you are, promise I'll be honest if its you... Big Love 4 All You Gurlz tho:)
Awwww... Sowi bubz... My Watsapp doesn't alwayz work:(
Lmp2! Do I Love Someone Right now?
Alotta People... Most people I know basicly... Be more specific
Lmimp... Nah... My Homegurl hat:)
Lmimp! Aiiii... My Kwarra'tjie:P ... Ek gaan jou nou nou op BBM outsort(G)
My Sw€et?... Lil G Misses Yoo Much Too:) mwahz...Hope 2 Speak 2 you Soon:)
Lol, Awe...Respect iz earned gazi...Beef is jus part of the package it comez with...#TMSORecordz
Lol, Thanx Sweedy:) mwahz... Lemme know who u are so I can make planz 2 see yuu soon;) ...So u don't have 2 keep missing me:P
She Knowz Who She Izz;) Ima tell u on BBM;):P public eyez
Joooh... Where do I start... Okay...
Chantz Baatjies(y), Jodie Small, Marina,Jess F,Shannon... Jooh.. There's A LOT more!!
I jus can't remember em all now..#forgive me if I Never mentioned yu nuh(G)
Awe Gazi... Lol Mr Undisputed(G)... Nah , Its Exam term now... So school work gna take up most of my time... BUT! U can come early ina term on a weekend... Then we can work on the tracks(y)...
Lol... Mr C4... Thanx 4 the support dawg... Plus.. The msg u sent me on fb... Its all good bru, We can work on something... Mus jus finish Workin with Killo (y)...
Nah... I mistook a f** for A f**...
Lol... Spoken like a true HATER! Keepin ur eyes open... Wana know what's hapnin in my life hahahahaha... If not... Why u visit my Qooh? Stupid
Lmao... Well... If I listen 2 Emzee... I can tell that he's ENGLISH speakin... And the statement u jus made 'emzee' ... Was Not proper english... Bring it Cheza I know this is you
C4... Wan hu'nin ... Can't see us coz the moneyz in the way;)
Uhm... Mr. Killo from... Killoz World... Aha!!! What's poppin, we all about the paper, Get the haters faded , If success is gettin paper then we obviously we made it...Lol... -Lil G...
Well, I like to think of myself as being the best Young rapper in the game at the moment... And I proberbly am... But, Jakes has A LOT of potential and he might even be better than me in some areas ... But... Earl is really good at what he's doing... Oh and Chezza, Nah Not all that... Not that at all...lmao... If yu get what I'm sayin... Haters gon hate my frend... Best believe that
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