Ek dink jy's cute maar is te bang om met jou te praat ??maar ek wou net daai se x?
Ag danki?
Ek voel jy en Karla moet saam wees ☺
Hhhmm ons is saam??
What instantly makes you attracted to a person?
TRUE christian ❤?
What made you happy today? 100+
That it is Sunday fun day?
do you want a girl cause I can get you one???
No thank you??
Always a cutie. ?
Bais danki?
Ugh. Ambivalent ❤?
Stay who you are ???
Dankie ❤
Maar waaroor is die mixed feelings??
Omp im nat ??? whos that patootie in your story? (Next to that tanen f**et)
Pietie-Patootie why you such an OG? ??? groenies
Ek hoor jy sal qua vmy n drukkie gee as ek na jou to kom by die skool?
Yes my skat
Greeffie, ek kom lost net liefde! Mis jou ?
Eks seker ek mis jou ook??
Hoe bly jy soo maar ek wil ook?
This is an insult ?
Jy is sooo cute, en die manier wat jy jou lewe saam met die Here leef is so wonderlik om te sien.
Juet wanted to put it out there. ✌?
Hey Baie dankie wardeer dit rerig baie?❤?
That's great to hear ?
Remember that the LGBTQ+ are people too ?
I know b?
Just because I dont support it does not mean I treat them different or anything ❤
Any advise for future matrix
Dont know yet?
Jy en Dane lyk close
Wat gaan jy swot?
Hotel Management ?
Watse vakke het jy en op watse vlakke?
Eng- 1st Higher
Business- Higher
D&T -Higher
Afr- core
Accounting- ordinary
You and elizabeth?
Name a few of the girls?
$exiest Matric seun ?
Baie dankie??
Who is your closest friend
Rocco, Hugo, Meiring & Quintin
What girl is the easiest to talk to and feel comfortable around?
Meeste van die meisies in my graad?
What girl do u talk the most to at school?
Jy’s n gunsteling, Greeff. ✨
What are you sick of trying to explain to people?
That if their looking for the old me they should go check the morgue?
Why/How did you take a relationship for granted?
Just did not respect it for what it actually was?
Bly om tesien daar is nog so goeie mense soos jy op die aarde!
Baie dankie nie moontlik sonder die Here nie?
Are you the sun? Because you’re so beautiful it’s blinding me??
Gods the light?
I really like you tbh??
Dankie seke jys nie te bad jou self nie??
Do you support gay people? ✊
Depends on what?
On who and how the person is
Do you currently like someone?
Nope ?
Enige iemand in gedagte vir valenteins sokkie?
Going with the flow?
Would you date a girl that's 4 years younger than you?
Depends ?
Is jy en Elizabeth saam?
Nope net vriende
Matric farewell date? ?
Met wie gaan jy matriekafskeid toe? ?
The one and only Karla?
Would you ever date someone out of your own race?
5 beste meisie vriendinne ?
Gym buddies?
Gewoonlik Divan?
What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?
Took it for granted ?
Beste ding wat nog ooit met jou gebeur het?
The day i laid my life down??
Wie is jou gunsteling mens op aarde?? Of wel, 2de ??
Nee ek weet nie?
Maar ek sien wat jy daar gedoen het?
What's something that took you way too long to realize?
That theres a lot of temporary that tend to keep one down?
Beste vriende/vriendinne? ☺
Het nie wel n beste een nie maar ja daars n paar
Sal jy ooit vir n plus size meisie gaan? ?
Wat se tiepe vraag is die?
Ja ek sal hang mos af wat binne aan gaan nie buite?
Ons praat nou wel nie baie nie, maar jy beteken baie vir my!
Baie danki?
Dream job?
Hotel manager ?
What will you never ever do again?
Cant think of something ?
Current crush/gf?
Non at the moment ?
What do you wish had never happened to you?
To be so thin?
Sal j met iemand wees wat net so passievol oor Jesus is,maar j ken hulle nie rerig so goed nie?
Vriende wees of wat?
Wens ons kon mekaar beter leer ken-...
Nou kom ons maak so?
Trots om te sien hoe daardie liggie skyn . ? Blessings op blessings vir jou . ?
Baie dankie?
Dm my?
What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?
Fake people?
Jong Pieter, jy is n inspirasie✊
bly net soos jy is??
Baie danki?
Eks seker jy is ook een?
Iemand wat jy graag wil leer ken??
Daar is niemand spesifieks nie
Maar ja daars wel mense wat mens daagliks ontmoed wat leka sal wees om meer te conect en so aan?
Then just ne and you
Jy ken my duidelik ni?
Are you up for a 3some?
Hhmm nee ?
As jy my ken sal jy weet ek nie so nie?
How can you be a better person?
By caring more for the people who are around me in my daily life
Bly om te sien daar is nog sulke goeie mense soos j op hierdie aarde oor?❤
Baie dankie??
DM my?
Kan net lekker raak ?
?as jy so sê?
As ek jou en Meiring in een kamer moet kry#
Dan wat? Ons is nogal baie in di sele kamer?
KaN eK jOu NoMmEr KrY
DM my net
Jy en Gena??
Net vriende leer haar nog ken?
Ken haar eintlik al vn laër skool af maar begin nou eintlik eers ja
Alice B. ?
Baie goeie mens en vriendin?
Is there someone you would like to be friends with but they are gone now??
Yeah but true friendships dont fade away even when one moves away?
Someone special??
Not in the way you mean?
But I have special friends?
Is jy en Meiring nog ooit Vriende
Ja ons is en sal ook altyd goeie vriende bly
Hys soos n broer vir my?
What is the happiest thing that has happened to you in the past 24 hours?
When I got to bed last night?
Jy en Karla?
Baie goeie vriende?