Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Hurt someone i love on purpose.
You were never my daughter.
As long as I can.. But only with my boy.
No one
Break up with nick
I don't know
i am really good and beingn annoying
i would like to thank everyone who is in my life that cares about me.
it is probably someone trying to joke around. i have deleted the question.
which questions are you meaning????
I'm not going to give you one.
i like Nick because he is his own person. He doesn't care about his looks or what people think. which Paige, i know 3 of them. And my cats name is Jay Jay.
the thing that pisses me off the mnost is when i am being ignored by the ones i love.
Trusting curtain people
Their relationship has nothing to do with me. It is their choice. Not mine
Um sorry???
I will not do that.
I don't know tbh sorry.
Anyone I love
I don't know
my friends and some family but mostly my boyfriend
But i love you and you are right next to me. I wove you
Maybe hahhaha
My family and friends. And also my loving boyfriend
My boyfriend
hi aunty cath
ummm no thanks. inbox me please
I don't really know yet maybe catch. 22 from pink
Because I didn't want to get up. The bed is so warm
I see a great person. He cares and is there for me when I want to break down and be alone.
I miss he she is one of the only friends I talk to from primary school xoxox love you svety
The people I can trust
Hey I am so sorry but I have a boyfriend but message me anyway you can please because I really wish to know who you are
thanks anonymous. i would love to know who you are so we can hang more often
he is nice and sweet i want to get to know him alot better and be good friends.
I need to know a name and i am sorry that i couldn't login to my account
Sorry but i don't know who you are please tell me a name
Laying in bed who are you
No sorry but you are one of my besties in the whole word
i am sorry but i am not a leso
it depens on who you are imessage me at [email protected]
she one ofmy friends that i have not meet but i willdo anything for her to make us friends forever
i am not saying
yes but not saying
nanya[none of your buisness
noi am a female
i love instagram
if i was to go to another school it would be lilydale highst
to many to say but my main friends are ash bec paige and a lot more
because you are the awesomest person in the world. love you
thats not a question
that i am a female dog
fun, cute and friendly