Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
No one in specific
? and I care why? ?
I’m open to suggestion
?♂️ I talk to a lot of friends, most are girls ?♂️ I don’t know how many.
Uhm ??♂️
I can’t make you to do anything so do your thing. Whatever happens, happens
Not really
Nop, single.
Having a jealous/possessive personality
Who’s asking ?
Oh, thanks ?❤️
Complicated ?
MY best mate Matthew and basically anyone i call, if i call them, i can trust them and can be myself with them i suppose.
We don't talk.
It's complicated
? hardly ever.
An english letter ?
There's nothing that i regret and there is no one that I'd want to fix things with, everything happens because it's meant to happen.
Depends how the relationship ended and if the friendship can work.
Arguing ?
Matthew Jamison ??
We can
Just hit me up and I'm sure things will go back to normal.
? ? ? that ship sailed ages ago.
? who is this anyway?
Would it be of any concern? ? serves no purpose now.
Yeah but let's leave that for another day.
Well, there's a reason it didn't work then, so it won't work again. What's the point of going back?
Portuguese* not indian.
Art of getting by
Nick and Norah's infinite playlist
It's kind of a funny story
The first time
A personality worse than a dour aesthetic.
People who spend money because mainstream media tells them what they need when they could just save therefore lowering debt.
I wouldn't say i was in love with a "who" more like a what in all honesty, if you look at the deeoer meaning of love, and to be honest i believe I've been in love with science and will always be till death.
Don't say that, Its ok, don't worry about it we're over that now :p
I don't fully open up to anyone
a lot of people but I won't take it furtherer then liking ;)
No I haven't, I don't get happy, its a long past story and I dunno how to talk about it, I'm never and will never be happy
Seeing things and people I care about safe and happy
Aww thanks Zelskie, miss u loads 2. *hug*
Yeah I managed to know who u are hahahah
I aint a mean person just tell who u r ;)
so i know who u are dah hahaha I aint sweet ;) I'm bitter :p ask anyone, done be shy just tell me on bbm
Hehe aww thanks a mil AK, ur awesome :p
Ask me on bbm :p
Sure hahaha wait.... Who r u?
There's nothing complicated, love is supposedly an emotion, but nowadays its either lust or illusions. And I'm not up 4 that, call me common but jeeze, a proper relationship with no expectations and just love and trust in it without people interfering would be nice 4 a change. But there's too much pain in the world for love.
Hey crazy Jessie :p I'll stay awesome as long as u stay amazing hehe much love buddy
If I really want a girl, I'd get her no hassle, there's never been a girl I couldn't get that I haven't been 100% sure about her, if I want her, I'll get her and I won't stop till I do ;)
Aww ;;) heyyyyy my melonZzzzzz!!!!! Hehe me misses u 2 :p thanks a lot u 2 :D
If she's my exes friend then she's probably much like my ex which is what I'm pretty much avoiding. Don't like "common" copy girls, a little different wouldn't hurt to ask. But yeah, that would be a miracle to find
A girl not like the others? A girl like that doesn't exist because a girl not like the others is exactly what I'd like, she shouldn't care about what people say or think of her, should be a free thinker and just intellectual, she shouldn't care about thigh gaps and then she'd not be like the others. Outer beauty isn't what all guys search 4, its about the heart n the mind for me.
Depends how it ended, but rather not take that risk of getting hurt again which is why I don't date anymore.
I don't date ;) just got friends ;)
Ok then ;)
Yoh china WTF u talking about I'm mind****ed haha. People just needa realize the world aint full of sunshine n roses, people needa act mature n serious SOME times because its up to us 2 fix what we messed up years ago and that's order and morals
Bonnie? Haha if it aint bonnie then I aint sure... X_x
Like famous chicks or chicks I know? Don't really have a "crush" chicks I know but for celebs... Geez I have a **** load, Carly rose sonenclar, selena gomes, andie case, emma stone, emma roberts, Kylie Jenna and wayyyyyy mooooorrrreeeeee
well I learned my awesomeness from u so :p always hehe thanks 4 being a good friend
Haha that's a tough 1, TBH no1 understands me which is a good thing because no1 should understand anyone ;) and Alisha is the best for advice, very good friend of mine as well as Monique and just a lot of people that have gone through similar things like myself.
I guess its just getting through life
Living and dying, the future, life and losing my girl
This is kinda personal so ping me on bbm n I'll tell u
Hello Herman </3
Anything really
NO WAYS!!!!! Would wanna go to Girls high hahahaha No Homo just that therea lot of girls n I'm a guy hahaha and to c my girl more often
Yeah hahhaha was missing the random questions
Uhm yeah I'm a virgin x_x don't plan on breaking it anytime soon
Haha x_x uhm thanks a lot. :p
Lizelle Nieman
31st December
Everything, from her personality to how she keeps me calm and makes me happy
Cos some things aren't easy to forget and it gets to you
I do things I can never take back, things that hurt people, things I shouldn't do, yet I did it, even though I couldn't control it, I still messed things up with the ppl I knew
I'm Scared of her??? WTF???? Hahahahahaha no I aint scared of anyone