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Reilly Ellis

Ask me anything you like anonymously

16 Replies

Who told you they loved you last

My ex replied 3491 days ago

What have you lied about lately ?

Nothing? replied 3671 days ago

What do you do when you angry?

Rage? Lol I'm like the hulk mate! replied 3685 days ago

One thing you like about yourself?

My lips :3 replied 3690 days ago

You're a wonderful girl and so strong. :) smile, you look beautiful when you smile!

Thank you whoever you are <3 xxxx replied 3695 days ago

Whats the 1 rumor u have heard bout yourself that isnt true.

All of them? I don't really pay attention to any rumours told about me anymore. People may hear things about me and some of them maybe true or it could be as fake as the people who spread them. :) replied 3696 days ago

I hate u because everyone else does tonight

Well you need to grow up then don't you. If I have never done anything to you personally and you hate me just because everyone else does you need to grow up. Thanks though :) xx replied 3696 days ago

I have a photo of you smoking a bong, I wouldn't be smart I'll show your mother.

Caleb seriously? My mother knows I used to smoke bongs and also know I have no quit, show my mother all you like because at the end of the day she is going to laugh in your face. replied 3696 days ago

me? ****ing? me? look at your disrespectful ****ing self.

I don't see how I'm being disrespectful at all. Instead of being a scared little kid, own up to what your saying instead of hiding behind this anonymously :) Thank you replied 3696 days ago

You are a fat ****ing **** **** hoe and I ****ing hate your **** ****ing piercing **** l, you are such a germ nowadays I can't even look at your ****ing scull. Pig. Oink. ****ing. Oink ****. xo

I think you need to grow up a little bit, if you really want to say this to me please feel free not to do it anon. I think it's very gutless and pathetic. You need to learn some respect and decency. :) replied 3696 days ago

thoughts on Georgia Erfurth, Bree Storer, Caleb White and Liam Ertfurth?

Georgia, gorgeous girl, amazing personality really good to talk to and always makes me laugh. Very respectful girl. Bree, I dislike you very much. What you did was wrong. You knew what actually was going on but still caused a fight about it. I don't understand how you could start something so bad. Your very disrespectful and rude. I think it's time for the both of us to finally grow up. Caleb, his a good but I dislike him a lot as well. His also very disrespectful and rude. Liam, I have nothing to say expect your rude as well and start a lot of trouble that's not needed. replied 3696 days ago

Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?

Yes I have, numerous time by the same guy who now does not exist in my life and nor will he ever again. replied 3696 days ago!!! :(
Ask me absolutely anything. ❤❤

:) replied 3696 days ago

U r very beautiful n I think u have an amazing voice

Thank you so much xxxx replied 3696 days ago

thoughts on ally vanda

Gorgeous girl. Always good to be around and really good to talk to. Always here for her and her for me. Love her luts ❤❤ replied 3697 days ago