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Ask me anything you like anonymously

180 Replies

ScoolSchool and Age?

Etosha SS, age 17

Gvft replied 2245 days ago

What kinda of woman you like?

Both I guess

Gvft replied 2245 days ago

If u could be any superhero who would u be


Gvft replied 2245 days ago

Do you still love H?

If you ever ask me anything about H shanyok

Gvft replied 2254 days ago

Do you still love H?


Gvft replied 2254 days ago

I want you to be mine

Dm than we can talk ?? if only I knew who you where nehh ❤

Gvft replied 2254 days ago

That Hilka girl is a btch
she never loved you
but I do


Gvft replied 2254 days ago

Why did you date her?


Gvft replied 2254 days ago

what is your type of girl you would date

You I guess ?

Gvft replied 2254 days ago

Where did you buy the pants with a white stripe

Made it myself

Gvft replied 2254 days ago

what is your type of girl you would date

I don't date

Gvft replied 2254 days ago


Who's there

Gvft replied 2260 days ago

Are you dating someone?


Gvft replied 2260 days ago

Are you happy right now?

Yahh ?

Gvft replied 2260 days ago

top 10. Fun girls in your class


Gvft replied 2260 days ago