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My Mini Cooper
At my mums wedding, was such a special day
Hm I love love love bec & bridge or blessed are the meek is alright :)
Hahahahhaha, that's very random. No way!!
Phat Kidding Love the kid hehe :)
Shelly jays at b2p, such a beautiful woman
My beautiful mother! my precious friends, you guys know who you are and deffiantly my dance teacher for all she has done for me. I'm a happy gal
Great guy!
Hahahha, I'm not scary at all!! I may come across that way, maybe you should chuck me a inbox, I love making new friends :)
they are all sassy
Love the gal, so much fun x
For me to know
Going to Melbs for the weekend!
I'm always swapping! I only wear make up when I go out but it's normally Clinique or Mac, then nude for a powder :)
Why he makes everything so confusing
What a beautiful person you are! Thank you for this lovely message! Inbox me because so would love to know who you are
Aw to kind, thank you! silly people don't have anything better to do!
Hahahaha wow you have a lot of issues if you have time to sit on anonymous and write comments to other people. I really couldnt care less what people think! Good on you I'm sure you are perfect :)
Not sure!
Which one??
Can't remember :(
Ill love ya
Do you really?
Best friends :)
It's love
Love daisy
Haha who said I hated him??