Just outta curisity, what are your views on josh, your ex? Like I've heard some shi*, but I just wanna hear your story lol
Interesting question... but that's private, message me and I may tell you
I love you hannie (: you're an amazing best friend xx Eloise.laws
Aww love you to Lello n.n You're the best x
You're amazing! You helped me through a rough time and gave your honest opinion an you were completely right! Thank you for that <3 it was really sweet of you to help me out (: love you xox
Aww you're most welcome hun(: Anytime xx Not sure who you are :P Text me haha
I'd f*** you
... Cool. Who are you??
Why are you so gorgeous??
I am not gorgeous, but thanks n.n
Why are you so pretty? it's not fair Moniquewhite
Aw haha I'm not that pretty x
Name a hot guy who people usually don't thinks hot; like someone who's a bit unpopular or something
Idk… haha
Can I kiss you?
Who are you?
You are honestly the most gorgeous, se*y, beautiful, perfect girl I know. Will you be my new years kiss? <3
Sorry this is so late! Who are you??? Fb me x
You are one of the most physically attractive girls I know
Thank you n.n
sad storwie tymbe... wunz thea wahz twwo frwends huw waz niuninseperably awnd gnow tey no spek dafuq? tis u n mea tis storwie bouts :'''''( i cwy evs tymbez tha end
Who is this?
You are really se*y
Thanks ;3
I'm unarmed...
Good for you C:
Hey my lesbian,
rnWe havent had hot k**ky se* for a while :)
Hey Baby,
That's true, get cho as* round here now(;
Hey Hanna SMD love your best guy mate who is always there for you XD and is also amazing as f***
Someone told me that you looked cute sleeping.. so i watched from your window last night..
How romantic :3
Cause you is amazing
You're amazing(;
I wrote you a haiku.
Once a happy girl
Her broken heart doesn't stop
But beats for true love
That's so sweet(: Who are you? xx
But i still love you
Ok fine you do
Damn right.
I love you
I love you too(: <3
You taste nice ;D
Thanks ;D
What do you taste like?
I don't know... Wanna taste? ;DD
I know where you live.
Me too.
Why don't we talk like we used too? It's so sad :(
Why don't you text me?(: We'll fix it.
Are you sure you want to go to Paranormal Activity 4 at 6pm on Friday night? ;) Could be pretty scary :o
I'm ruckus ;)
Have you had se* before?
None of your business.
Do it like dude ;) x you are beautiful hun, i'd run to the end of the world and back for you, never forget that!! <3 you're my best friend that I love having in my life
Hahaha! Hey babe, you're such a sweetie. I'd do the same for you, anyday ;) You know that xx You're the best friend I ever had <3 I love you!!!
Why you so beautiful?
I'm not ;)
NO D: !!!!!!!
If you want, i'll hang with you at Rae's party <3 we'll have a babing time xo beckyberu
I can't go.. I'm working :/
Your forehead's mas*ive.
Hey!! I love you! You're fantastic and i just want you to know you are really beautiful and a really good friend xoxoxoxo
Anyway asking questions? Umm... What's your favourite thing? it can be anything! beckyberu
Aww! Hey Becky(: I love you too sweetie xx You're amazing!!! My favourite thing... Japanese food :3 AND Japanese Candy <3 OML, it's beautiful.
Do you even lift?
Do you look like Leonard from Big Bang Theory?
How are you feeling?
Do u like cheese?
I love cheese <3
I know its been amazing knowing you!
Aw, cute! :3 Msg me oi!
I have known you since Year Nine
Lucky you!
I am the unnamed.
I love you unnamed <3
You are so beautiful don't let anyone tell you that you are not.
Aw(: Thanks xx Who is this?
Hanna you also smell from Liam Qelliami
Why are you so beautiful?
I'm not(: Who is this? Msg me ;) x
Why do you never talk to me?
I'll talk to you if you message me :P Who are you?
do you like fruit salad? do you know who i am ?
I do like fruit salad(: No... Who are you?
who do you miss right now
Richard </3
What is your bra size?
A combination of a letter and a number.
I Love You
I love you too(;
Can you deepthroat?
f***, I don't know O.o
Whats my name?
Anonymous, apparently(: Idk.. You tell me!
Are you always cute? Is it just everyday? :3
It's everyday ;)
you keen for Wednesday night ? ;)
Awks.. sorry for late reply! I WAS keen :DD And I had a mad time ;) xx
you lookin' forward to japan? nervous at all?
I'm SO looking forward to Japan!!! I'm reeally excited :DD I am nervous though yeah :3
lol jk, now for my serious question xD
Are you at all scared/nervous for Japan?
?????????????????Haha! I'm a bit nervous D: But I can't wait! 'm more excited than anything else(;
Can I sit with you?
Sure(: ... Jaden? O.o
Can you guess who this is?
Hint is that I'm the sweetest person ever ;3
Cool asking the same question twice CHRIS!
Can you guess who this is?
Hint is that I'm the sweetest person ever ;3
Probably some Bit** :DD
Who's your celebrity crush?
Um.. I have no idea... :DD Channing Tatum? <3
name 1 person you once had a crush on
Um... Steve(: Moger?
why don't we just get married ? and frolic on the beach in the moon light during our honeymoon? KeytahKat
We should xx It would be beautiful and I would be eternally happy <3
why re you such a beautiful princess ? KeytahKat
Why are you such a stunning Princess?? ;DD
What are three good things about yourself? z
... Um... IDK? I can bake(: , I'm a pretty good dancer and .. I'm uber hilarious :DD
What is your perfect day?
That's a tough one.... Well it'd start with a sleep in. Then chocolate pancakes with bacon. Theeen... I'd probably jam with my girl Eloise to some loud music and we'd hang out and be girly and shi*. Then we'd make chocolate milkshakes <3 Then later Josh and I would play some Halo and I'd kick his butt.. Then we'd chill at the beach and have fish and chips and go for a swim. Then me and ALL my friends would sit around a bonfire singing and looking at the stars :DD
Best memory?
I have too many amazing memories to pick just one <3
what would your reaction be if you of your best friends died?
I would die if they died D:
who is your best friend?
Eloise <3 and Josh and Kita(: AND Richard x
What would your reaction be if I told you I didn't love you?
I would be sad... And cry. But then I'd remember that I'm awesome. So I'd stop being sad and continue being awesome some more :3
What would your reaction be if I told you I loved you?
I love you too :)
What do you think?
whos the nicest person you know?
Debbie(: Ryan's Mum <3 I love you Debbie!
whos the nicest person you know? z
Um... Probably Debbie(: Ryans Mum
Go out with me <3
Yes <3 ;DD
If you could have/do anything right now, what would it be?
I would HAVE a Mr Wedge pizza, thin and crispy. Mmmm pizza :DD If I could do anything... It'd be you <3
Wh0 dO u lYk
Not you. Sort your shi* out, your grammars a bit crap. Haha, I still like my ex, Josh.
Are you missing anybody right now?
Yes. I miss several people right now <3 One in particular, they know who they are.
Do you have any regrets in life?
No(: I regret nothing. Everything in our lives builds up to create who we are and I'm happy with my life, so why have regrets? <3
How far have you gone with a guy? How far with a girl?
None of yo' business.. Oscar?? O.o Haha
i like you
I like you too :)