Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Nope ?
Indeed ?
Not that any of this concerns you !
If they really were my friends they would’ve asked how I felt or noticed how I felt and then known ??♀️ Open communication...
Ummmm no ??♀️?
Le vatte ! Ah miss ya ??
Not to strangers ?
Fingers and feet ?
Nah ??
Ummm no ?
Don’t know who this is ??♀️
She is going on exchange to Australia for 6 weeks xx
Grade 11’s are pretty cool ??
Sure !
Uhh ?
Tell me about it ?
Love ya jade ??
Thank you ??
Stoooppp ? thank you ?
No idea ? just am I guess ??♀️?
Hmmmm ... dm me super curious as to who this random guy is ?
Who is this ? ?
Who’s Robbie ??
Now that’s a secret ?
Uh thanks x?
Nothing ??♀️ Can friends not post pictures together ? ?
Nope . Really good friends though !
Thank you !
Ahh thank you ! Please don’t be, dm me mannn !?
Thank you so much ? who is this ? (Dm me ??)
Thank you !
Calvin and I have have known each other for long and gone through quite a lot . I’ll always care for him and be there for him but no feelings other than as friends ?
I’m not ..
No mannn just tell me ??
Such a beautiful girl ! You really are so sweet Jade ?, love having you in band with me ?
Um it’s alright .. I’m not that into it though ..
A lot better but still quite sore ??
Thank you !
Ahh thank you ! xx
No thanks ??
No man ? don’t be , I’m super chilled ??
Thank you xx ?
I don’t know ey ? you taught me well I guess ???♀️
Hella cute ?
I don’t know who sent this ??♀️ Dm me , would love to be friends ?
I broke up with Calvin . Not that it really matters ??♀️
Cal is a very nice person , I care about him a lot . No one was better than the other , we just are growing onto different paths and we both just need time to discover ourselves and what we want ..
Calvin and I are no longer together , but who is Jayden Michael even ???
Anyone would look hella cute with me though ??
No no just joking ? I’ve just come out of a relationship so I’m not rushing to get in another one if you know what I mean ..
Ohh , you should of said hi ??♀️
Ahh ☺️?
Thank you so so much , that really means a lot to me !
Thank you ??♀️?
Okayyy ? ??♀️?
Yes we did ..
I learn from the best ?
You’re so special Jen ?❤️
It’s okay , thank you !
Ahh thank you ! ?
The luckiest alive ??!
Yes we did , the reasoning is between Calvin and I but if he feels comfortable to tell you then you can by all means ask him x
Valentino ? my Afrikaans is die beste in die hele wereld ??
2 Years next month ?
Huh ? Jy maak geen sin nie .. ??♀️?
Haven’t met him before ..
Way to many to choose from .. sorry ?x
Shampoo and conditioner ????♀️
Definitely ? shhh it’s our secret ?? ❤️
This is so cute ! Please dm ? thank you , made my day so special x
Ah ! Loveee her ? such a special heart ! She makes English a lot more exciting ??
Skittles and pickles ?
Not allowed on to talk to strangers...
dm me ??♀️