Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
The meaning of life.
I hit someone with my hockey stick
If life was easy
Drama!! It is so much fun and I love my fellow drama geeks xx
Defs flying
If it happens then it happens
Well that's someone who thinks so... Idk :( thank you though xx
:') aw thank you, you kind soul... This has made me smile and has made my night xx
Unloyalty and selfishness
I'd give one to you xx (was that the right answer)
Stressing over everything
Umm this is awkward
Too many people. This s*cks :'(
People saying I'm pretty :')
You go glen coco
I have actually answered this so many times.
Why is this even a question. It doesn't matter how much money you own or how fancy your house is! We are all still people, who have feelings and a heartbeat! Equality people. Say it with me e q u a l i t y
Couple months old.. I had no problems in life! Decisions were made for me and I had no dramas
Meagan xo
this is a dumb question.
Omg please no
Pin and enter
Depends what you wanna be when your older.. Omg that's only 2 years away! Wowza :{
Fighting with the people I care about most
Whatever tickles you fancy
Everywhere!! Mainly tropics and Paris
Define thing? lol.
Yeah back in year 9, he could be a complete different person for all I know
Have not spoken for a Year or so I don't really know him.
He's a top notch bloke
Spending it with perfect people, with perfect weather and being happy happy happy
Who are you
Soz bud but I already have a partner
I've always wanted to be skinny and pretty and I'm working on the fitness thing and make up is good
Last night.
All g bud
One funny fella!!
I honestly don't know you too well but you seem really nice and quite shy..
Facebook and qooh me
Aaron is the cutest boy! He is quite attractive but really really shy and I want to get to know him better!! I think he will be a great afl star in the future!!
It has been a while
Captain of primary school, captain of hockey team, captain of riverina hockey team, winner of spark it up art comp, playing division 1 hockey last year, year 10-12 scholarship for Melbourne uni
I know I live such a movie hopeless romance life and I am seriously starting to doubt that! I wish there are perfect guys for everyone but I'm coming to the real world. I'm just wondering where are these decent guys because i think they are all hiding..
Seriously?! All our generation do is "hook up" and if you ask me it's ridiculous! Where is the love people?
This is a great question! I think either Jennifer lawrence (in a perfect world we would be best friends), or in another perfect world my perfect boyfriend or my future self so I can see what I need to do to change and how to help me out. Seriously a great question but I honestly don't really know
Buy myself houses all over the world, buy a private jet with an attractive pilot then I would fly myself all over the world and go to all the BIG shopping malls and spend a fair amount on whatever I want. Then I would decide where I want to sleep that night whether it be Pari or Hollywood or Rome and fly myself there.(actually my attractive private pilot will fly me there) I would also buy my fam some snazzy houses across the world and all that jazz. I might even get a boat and just cruise around the ocean all day getting tanned. Just living the life!!
Someone who is smart and wouldn't annoy me and whinge so probably Cameron
I don't know any. But my friend used to like Adam someone so he will do
Good guy??
Aha righto then I'll believe it when I see it
I really do have too many besties I honestly can't pick one!! They know I love them
i think I'm a nerd sometimes.. A little more than sometimes to be honest!! So would they date me?
He ain't too bad on the eyes
Chuck me an inbox then aye
I wanna do everything to the best of my ability so if anyone gets in my way of doing that then they can leave
Look I'm gonna be honest I never use my phone only for work so just inbox me or facebook call me xo
Right. Where. We. Are.
Ahaha thanks babe xx
Place your hand on my beating heart
Cooper yes Anthony no
Was there a party?
Thinking out loud or all about that bass or shake it off or blank space or am I wrong
Perfume, vouchers, car stuff, makeup yeah twas nice
Aha ask the line of fellas I have around me
Happiness and love
Too much!! But to just name a few it would defs have to be my barbie dolls and princess movie afternoons
What chu talkin bout
Mate I don't know what you talking bout
You wish you were me Zeke
to bring her dad back for her
Sounds like a plan to me xo
No way am I having a party let alone my parents letting me
Loose as brah
Ahh I'm not sure it's really up to the parentals but hopefully and I want too!!
With a bang
Dying before I get to live a perfect life and snakes
Waking up not feeling tired with the sun out and birds chirping Then a perfect boy making me feel like the perfect most special girl ever! He would be by my side all day and take me on a journey somewhere I've never been before then he will take me on the most romantic and perfect date and we would spend all night together
Carter boys, mark, zac smith, Tom takle, Aidan Baxter and Harry :)
Spending my dosh
Dresses And shoes
I don't think I will bore you with my list
I want to live a long and happy life full of achievements and laughter. As long as I get love and everything I set out to do I will be happy with my life
Performing and travel all over the world
25-26 would be nice
Friends and family
Somewhere with sun sand and beach