Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
IyUu! I have a crush on JoJo Simmons <3 but not on my big bro! LoL!
Hmmm a good make out session... With............................ JoJo Simmons.. Oh but then my mother's cooking cut that thot short..
Tjoh tough q... I just thot bwt it and realllly I think I love every inch of my body, it may not be perfect but I love it.. So there's no part of my body that I don't like...
Again #Qooh.Me
Qooh. Me? Lol...
Lol I'm taken.
Lol Donald MacDonald??
LoL uUhmmmmm gwasHhh! Uhm.. Robert lol.. (Hope he doesn't get a big head bwt this.)
People that I have mutual respect with.. WanZz that don't need to be reassured on that they're my friends... :)
Hmmmmm.... KasssSiiiiieeeee! And my dad lol..
I love me too babe! :)
Bestfriends or Boyfriends ?
LoL wenaaaaaa! Uhm he's ayt lol,,,
I know who asked this! Ai #smh
Nope lol bi*exual..
And I have to you because?......
Okay.. That's great.
Lol rude? Ar u sure u asked the right person?? :)
Lol and u decide to ask anonymously.... Lol well tell me who u are and u won't have to be in love with me secretly! :P
Lol never dayZz! Hahah!
Wooooo I love that crackhead to incineration!!!
LoL I love her to bits and pieces! I know she heart me toOw LoL!
Me? Lol ai noRr idk wat u talking bwt..
Tjoh i don't have just wan I have tooo many..
Lol shYaAt they tooooooo awesome! Caster Semenya is my role model!!!
Lol not anymore, lol wen I was twelve I liked this wyt bwoi and he liked me lol... But I didn't tell him I liked him so I used to call his house and just keep quiet.. Lol
Lol tjoh I don't think wen I look into the mirror lol, I'm scared of mirrors!
Lmao okay uhm in swati wen a woman's on her periods they say that "uye'mfuleni" so lol I think they went to discharge by the river and came back after their periods had finished.
I'd have to say my cousin, Sibusiso!
toooooo many.
lol he must invite me...:)
il tell u wen i get some...
P!nk.... and Avril
Lol idk I probably do wen I'm very tired but I don't think so... Lol.
The fear of disappointing my mom.
More than I love u now (Thembi #iThink) lol!
Lmao bro u gonna be my brother forever okay?? :) <3
Tjoh uhmm. A lot, almost er'thing. But sinc a life without regrets is a life not lived, I choose to accept the fact that I did what I did the desisions I made may have not been the best of decisions but sinc I came out alive, it was a lesson learned and they made me who I m today and what my value system is as well. SoO I gues I change my first answer, I'd do nothing differently.
Sh*t I hate whoever asked this!!!!! I'd say drake buHh Tyga coln my name hmMmM* DrAyGa!!!
Tell u in a few years time.
My BlackBerry, it has my er'thing! EVEN my BIBLE
Lol oh he wouldn't be able to exist ;)
How is this relevant to uhm getn to know me better? :)
cheating - not faithful to a spouse or lover; "adulterous husbands and wives"; "a two-timing boyfriend"
rntwo-timing, adulterous
rnunfaithful - having *exual relations with someone other than your husband or wife, or your boyfriend or girlfriend;... U can answer urslf now.
Thank you! :) I really appreciate that compliment. :)
I consider myself a believer and a Christian, and I try by all means to do ryt, but I m human hey (not that I'm using that as an excuse to do wrong) but jah we all make mistakes.
Lol just look for the option to post on fbk okay?
Lol well I say yes... I think he does coz there's ntn in His Biblical law that prohibits us from dating.. So the problem lies not with dating but with *ex before marriage... And dating sorta leads to a door where ppl myt end up doing it out of marriage.. And I think that's kinda the reason y our parents tend to have a problem with dating. They're tryna protect us from the cons of dating because we have this curiosity within us and the outcome of this curiosity are not favourable. And you have to simply be emotionally and spiritually mature to engage in dating and u must set boundaries for urslf and the person u'r gonna be dating.
Lol wouldn't you want to know. ;)
Lol #noComment
U know the verse "whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might"? Well I live for God and I try to do er'thing by His word and to the best of my ability.
Life... We go thru er'day of it hoping that life will favour us by giving us wealth, good health, a good spiritual life and relationship with God, and love.. And high school lol!!! (Math)
Lol check the other post.
Lmao ohhhh lol I have them! Was blessed but not too much lol and coz I have nowan to take pictures of my curves, and most of my pictures that are facial shots are my profile pix... Take the time to go thru all my alb*ms yea :)
Lol Nhlakanipho Nkosi
Lol well I'm gonna try my best to anwer that try not to get confused neh? After all Its only my opinion. Isn't it tru that things get cooler in a darker place? And if a freezer had a light where would it be located? And it would freeze under the freezer's temperature, and not be able to work properly... And the things ind freezer would melt! Lol that's just what I think. Oh I and I have a q for u? What possessed such a question???
I'm not picky lol just be clean and have a great personality and we'll be good! :)
Curiosity killed the cat :)
I wanna be a lawyer or a mediator.. If that doesn't work out then I got my backup lol music or fashion design..
My mom!
Lol my anger.
Anything made by my mom or sis!
Lol all of them.
Someone, ppl want to kill me because of!
Can't lol 3 words are too little.