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thank you but who is this??
lol good to know
its gross and fcked up
i dont know
no thanks you can fck off now
still is cheating and im not $exting EVER
they wont show themselves
if you wanna chat to me fb me IF you have it
no one really..
nah he isnt.. thats impossible.. he is asleep lol
he is faithful.. what makes you think he isnt
well they arent gonna fck me cause i am NOT cheating on my HUSBAND
i have no idea.. but some weirdo has been saying that my marriage is fake and is apparently on my fb and wont show who they are and someone else is being a creep
person info im not gonna be sharing with anyone
well if your on my fb then whats my fb name???
that is something i dont share with anyone
well then you wouldnt mind msging me on my fb then LOL
i already admitted i AM married... you dont know me well enough then if you dont keep up with whats going on in my life.. LOL stop with the bullsht and show who you are. your not on my fb or other social media obviously so why dont you just fck off or you can admit who you are
your gross go away
im not gonna tell you anything PERVE
lol.. no
fck off
naaah. i know whats real in my life.. i wont tell you what is on in my life unless i know who you are
im good and still not telling you my age
admit who you are and i might tell you
just admit you dont know me...
no u dont
i am married END OF STORY. if YOU know me show yourself if NOT fck off
well you dont need to know
well im old enough to drink ok
old enough
if you know me then you shouldnt have to ask
fine... i AM married
fine if you know me then show yourself... facebook msg me or if you have my number or insta or snapchat
obviously your too chicken to show your true self. obviously you dont have me on fb so you wouldnt know
well who are you? show yourself
why does my husbands age got to do with anything.
well its not gonna happen. im not cheating on my husband so you can get that sick thought out of your head
well who are you? obviously you know me...
well if you dont have me on fb or any social medias then you can go without knowing
why does it matter???
i actually am
sorry im married
fck off im in a relationship stop
nahh bro.. lol
k cool bro. LOL
lol your pathetic bro.. go kys
im breathing arent i... gosh your pathetic
dude lol. this is too funny. i told you to fck off if you were the perv or the ant guy cause 1. i am with someone and 2 thats the disgusting ask real questions
already have one lol
really how am i rude and a bully when your sending me bullsht lol.. cant even show who you are
ok cool story bro
good for you... lol
im allowed to cause your disgusting
no now fck off
im in a relationship.. fck off you creep
thank you x
i care so fck off
NO im in a relationship fck OFF
no thanks
they arent my problem anymore and i dont care tbh. they are both bad as eachother. and im glad i dont have anything to do with them. i know im better without them LOL
im with someone better. keith can go take his tiny dck away from me. LOL he can do whatever the hell he wants... i feel sorry for the girls who sleep with him. they will get no pleasure or they will probs die from his fat squishing them to death.... marnie well... with her she has standards she only goes for HOT EMOS lol. she never goes for personality.. how fcking low
oh well good for them if they get together. or he is trying. even when we were together i noticed he wanted her.,, not worried about them. im with someone better. besides whoever keith dates they can enjoy his tiny **** lol.. hense why i never fcked him cause it was that tiny i think anyones dck would be bigger than his LOL
who is he with now?
which ex is this? joel?? and thank you x
does it matter
hahaha your funny bro you kys
who r u...
lol. your pathetic
look whoever you are get a life. reveal yourself or r u too chicken.... you dont need to know everything
thank you :)
who r u? show yourself.. why r u seeing how truthful i am
why r u interested in my $ex life its no ones business
not telling cause its between me and him.
its no ones business
thats personal
k cool
no thank you im in a relationship
lol good for you
umm im sure everyone goes through this but if my guy cheats i will leave
What the fck
Whatttt who are you ?
Can you like stop asking me stupid questions or maybe leave me alone everyday I wake up to you
Who are you?
Do I know you