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Harrison :3



1.3k Replies

Have you ever had $ex with your girlfriend?

hell no

Harrisonburns replied 2797 days ago

What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?


Harrisonburns replied 2893 days ago

What little thing pisses you off greatly?

My girlfriend

Harrisonburns replied 2898 days ago

What is something that actually offends you?

Somebody once told me According to all known laws of aviation, we are number one.

Harrisonburns replied 2921 days ago



Harrisonburns replied 2924 days ago

How much do you have in your bank account ?


Harrisonburns replied 2928 days ago

A lot of women near you want $ex! Make sure yourself - sign up here loveshane

Sounds good to me

Harrisonburns replied 2932 days ago 1

What's pissing you off right now ?

Why is fridge spelt with a 'd', and refrigerator isn't?

Harrisonburns replied 2937 days ago

What makes your life worth living?


Harrisonburns replied 2963 days ago 1

What's an instant turn off for you?


Harrisonburns replied 2973 days ago

You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?

Wonder how I got unlimited money in the first place

Harrisonburns replied 2976 days ago 1

Favourite flavour of ice cream?

Vanilla, it's not the type of ice-cream, it's what you put on it

Harrisonburns replied 2983 days ago

What was the best decision of your life?

Dating Hayley

Harrisonburns replied 2983 days ago 1

What will your child's name be ?


Harrisonburns replied 2988 days ago 1

What have you never truly gotten over?


Harrisonburns replied 3003 days ago 1