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Go get your school fees l am ugly but l know my school work not like u ugly fckly and stupid ag shame the braces did help you
Dictionary again ja ek gahn haal nie my ma nie ek vang my vure
Is that your mothers name
Ai serena u need a mirror for urself and yes l know l am not beautiful but you are ugly
Wie is manu ai vok use a dictionary btch u cant even spell ag shame l get you????
Net soos j ? use a dictionary next time
Gahn vra jou ma se poes neh
Dankie liefie❤️❤️
Theres a say that goes ignore fools✨✌?️
Nah daai kak sy poes sommer ook
Nah l don't do that favorite they have mood swings to one day good the other bad
Makes two of us so kak out of my qoohs