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I just want my phone to get fixed :((
Ty lol but Daniel doesn't look like a rat. So plz keep your unwanted negative comments to yourself because that's just your opinion not mine :)
If you're talking about Daniel Blight I honestly don't care, I had a good go with him. Yeah it didn't work out and I'm glad it didn't but it was still good and I'm not gonna be one of those exs that hates them for no reason. We went our separate ways and that's it. And know I've found someone amazing :)
Um no soz
Ty but no
I know
That's creepy ..
Awh love you baby xxxxxxxx
That's mean, I'm probs hotter than you anyway gurl ;)
Plz go away he is mine and he has fab eyes that r just 4 mi
Back off gurl he's mine but ty I know
Um lol thanks
No thanks I have a girlfriend lol Love you Kate 4 evs
More than anything in the world !