Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
If you want the answer to a question ask the actual question! I'm not an Asian fish!
Size of what? :)
That's no good! You just need to look at things differently. It will change!!
That's brilliant to hear!
Good! How are you?
I believe it. You can love somebody but there's only really one thats right
Yes. No. :)
No but thank you :)
Disappointing people!
Chocolate, snuggles, pretty knickers annnnnnnd sleep
Fairly cute. Thank you :)
And I said I hadn't seen it!
I'm kinda fond of this one, a silly celebrity wouldn't get in the way of that :)
What is this trying to tell me?
It's only a little odd because I've got no idea who you are!
That's a bit cute that you care what others think too but Why do you care what I think?
Why will you do that?
Tattoos are okay, but it depends on what they are of and what they reprisent and mean to the person who has them.
I've only seen half of it but it seemed alright. You definately need to download Pocahontas and give it to me as I've not seen it. Oh also send me all of the secret diaries of a call girl series.
Splash of colour in rye :) amazing work and its reasonably priced
Selfish, rude, abrupt, insulting, body hair! No respect, not affectionate, doesn't shower daily!, doesn't live hygienicly, doesn't like dogs, doesn't like children, Umm yup. That's off the top of my head.
Not even a little bit.. I'd need the whole shebang, not just be the she that you bang.
Hot tub with waterside?
Well that's a little awkward Isnt it!
Would you get one?
I like scrambled eggs.
What an odd question! Are you asking for one?
When's uni break? Who are you? and what are your intentions with me?
Sure is! But it's the earliest I remember. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Being at kinder and finding out my dog was hit by a car. Then mum carrying me out the gate to the car as I snorted and cried on her shoulder
Cold with the heater on. In the cold you can always warm up. In the heat and the power dies you're screwed. No amount of blankets will cool you down!
Not that I'm aware of.. do you?
Dory! But I don't like to eat animals. So I watch cartoons about them!
I'm already in bed and refuse to get up, get your own phone charger. Today I was googling potato mixed with things. Pugtato was excellent
This! Chatting to friends, cleaning, googling random things.
It was your choice to use it....
Why not?
What's your name?
It is? Waves usually knock me over and get salt water in my mouth....
How am I a wave? I'm a little confused
Why would you want to be those things to me?
But why?
That's lovely. Amy further details?
Depends, what do I get out of it?
How so?
Oh that's cool then, no worries.
I was really asking why you had the urge to profess your love for me..
I figured we were talking about random things we thought about... You still didn't answer my question :)
When they have no respect for others or themselves
We do have the sky to talk about, but how are your genitals? Why are you into telling me these things?
You moon pie <3
That's lovely :)
I don't understand but you shouldnt be in paint, have you seen the doctor?
Of course you do! I do too!
Was about a 5 ;P
Naww I make you feel normal? :P
Love is exposing your true self to another, being honest and open, its the most naked you can be. You're no longer trapped within yourself once you do that. You've been set free from the prison you'd kept yourself in because somebody else on the planet knows the real you, and how you think and feel and breath. You're not alone anymore.
Love comes from a magic force between our head and our heart. The flame is put in us when our magic force sences its perfect force match in another person. It's like a magnet on fire. The further apart you get, the bigger the gap between force magnets and the flame gets bigger. That's why it burns when you try to leave each other.
That's adorable <3
The standard beach wedding on a perfect sunny day with no wind and glassy water
That ones perfect :)
I think it's a Tiffany 7.5.... From memory... I think. Yeah, I dunno... You can resize those things yeah? Also a princess cut diamond wins.. :D
On a scale of 1-10 I'd say owning an island would be approximately a 9.8
Approximately 8.5
I don't know? There's plenty of dating things out there. Are you thinking of tinder or zoosk or something
Thanks! I appreciate people who are happy to have me lead my own life :)
I'd never go to uni to be a vet, way to Much maths involved. I adore nursing and I do have yo go back to school to get my certificate for that though. It a not quite the same as Bondi vet, we don't deal with parentless lambs and we aren't the specialist centre. We refer all the big cases off to the specialist centre. It's really interesting!
Woohoo real friends!
I appreciate you!
Sequel? More like creepuel!
Flappin crackin weird, Like painting eggs is cool and all but having them in a chamber as your life controller is creepy as Hell!
I find it really sad that others aren't coping with my past so well. It's been a while, going on 12 months and they still can't forget and move on. I'm beginning to feel sorry for them for their lack of life!
And then using them as a puppet ventriloquist doll! Eww
I've got plenty of stuff to do , I'm not dwelling on it at all. I actually have nothing from that relationship remaining in my house... The only thing left is what this person has been talking about and it's only here cause they went fishing for it. If they could kindly remove themself from my life instantly and never return I'd actually be so grateful. Cheers A s s wipe!
Zombie clowns would certainly do it. Especially ones with knives in their eye. I agree with you. The other person is sad, why my life 12 months ago affects them I don't know.
Not clowns, mainly dead things and things that were dead and aren't anymore
I'll do what I want.... I'm finding the fact your head is stuck so far up your as* amusing because you seem to be talking poop. Maybe focus on your life rather than bothering my lovely Easter evening.
Of course I'm aware of that, and I knew it wasn't right at the time. It's why I've raised my standards from douche bags....
You're a lovely person, I appreciate your kind words -_- you can call me stupid, gullible or even dumb but I believed what he told me, I believed the things he said he wanted. Looking back I can see he said what he thought other people wanted to hear.. 'are you dating Hayley?' His parents would ask, and he would say no. Even though he was just because he knew that's what would make them happy. He may have told you he had no intention of staying with me, but its not at all what he told me. It's not the impression I got at all... If I honestly thought he was using me I wouldn't have given him every cent I owned to help him, I wouldn't have sacrificed as much as I did to stay with him... He asked me to stay... Think what you want but you weren't in that relationship.. I was.... I'll just get some cats, that's all I need. not people like you assuming they know what actually happened.. when you've got no clue at all
You've got no idea what was going on in my last relationship so keep your nose out. It took a good three years to figure it out for sure we weren't right, the last year was because we made eachother happy in the short term.. I'm not into dating somebody for another three years to pass by to catch on to the fact its no good
I'm not rushing into anything, I'm more avoiding it to be honest.. I much preferred this **** in High school... So much easier
Oh I bet it is great, but I'm kinda not into wasting years only to figure out its the wrong guy. Again. .. so I'm kinda really sceptical of anyone and everyone which just makes things harder than they should be... Thinking about it I should atop doing it... But I dont know how :/
Nah, I wish I was.. I'm sick of being by myself. But I seem to have forgotten what it feels like to want to be with somebody :/
Thanks love bug :)
I won't, but Thanks :)
Not at all, but you can't change what you look like so you may as well try and make the most of it with makeup..
Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? You've got the eyes of an angel!
Ummm nobody?
Sounds ok other than the bomb shelter...
I'd love a holiday, but you need money for one of those and most places don't accept Ellie
I honestly don't know! Sound of music time?
Thanks, I hope so. It's something I'm really looking forward to.
I dunno. I love my HTC one, much better than my iPhone 4... Will have to see what's around.
I would agree with that