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Hayley Bourke


Entertain me

149 Replies

If you were God for a day, what would you do?

ummm I really don't know tbh

Hayleyybourkee replied 3096 days ago

Last song you played before replying to this ?

Justin Bieber- Sorry

Hayleyybourkee replied 3122 days ago

Pick one for some fun :) , 1. Talk to someone you haven't in ages 2. Talk to someone you have wronged 3. Talk to your crush all night 4. Re-kinddle a relationship that may have happened that you know could have been

I wouldn't want to re-kindle any of the relationships I have been in tbh, I've already spoken to someone I haven't in ages and I already speak to my crush all night :)

Hayleyybourkee replied 3123 days ago

How, may I ask are you single!?

Ahaha I ask that myself all the time...just kidding I truly don't know but sht happens

Hayleyybourkee replied 3124 days ago

You really are one shady lady...not good

How am I shady?

Hayleyybourkee replied 3125 days ago


This question has already been asked...

Hayleyybourkee replied 3125 days ago


Ahaha aww thank you x

Hayleyybourkee replied 3125 days ago

Your most embarrassing moment ?

I have way to many

Hayleyybourkee replied 3125 days ago

What are you terrible at ?

A sht tonne of things! ?

Hayleyybourkee replied 3128 days ago

What do you want for xmas ?

List is to long ?

Hayleyybourkee replied 3130 days ago

If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which would you choose?

Either American Horror Story or 2 Broke Girls

Hayleyybourkee replied 3139 days ago

i ment who is someone that you had a crush on
but who did you think it is

Ummm I can't even remember what I did on Sunday let alone who I had a crush on in primary school ahah

Hayleyybourkee replied 3146 days ago

someone you had a crush on in primary

If it's who I think it is they told me a little while ago but thank you for letting me know ahaha

Hayleyybourkee replied 3146 days ago

Who's your ex bestie

Ummm not sure, I seriously can't remember ahaha

Hayleyybourkee replied 3155 days ago

You so perfect, like wow. Wish I had the confidence to talk to you.....

Aw thank you! Don't be shy, just inbox me and I'll reply :)

Hayleyybourkee replied 3158 days ago