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Ariana grande ☺ ahaha
Omfg I don't it was only Imogens because gerorgia smart told me her password Adidas22 how the fuk do u think I would get tat gerogia told me
What is your nickname? [100+]
Nice funny and is a very good rimer ahah
Till 100 so I get a letter from the queen yeah boi
Nice and funny
That they tell a lot theirs beter... And I didn't go to school today
Hardy know you but seem nice
Nah shot that's why I wrote but at the end I was ment to say but everyone knows it aint gonna happen but I axcedentaly clicked send
A million dollars sitting rite on my bed when I wake up but
Ipone?? iPhone 5 c next month can't wait!!!!
Funny as* swaggggg kid you are a one of a kind year 7 you are the biggest ****ing stud that i no me and you have the most f*cking funniest convos on kik you are a fu*king legend and the *exual stuff we talk about LOL BAHHAHA ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
Don't be shy ☺☺☺
What is dis shrimpppp
A kid with the most fuking swag, a stud that gets the chicksthat has heaps of friends and would like to get you know you beter see you at st joes ahha ..... Also Jackson's swagometer ...... Loading Jackson's swag {||||||||||||||||||} 100% fukk
I broke a sweet getting off the couch
My dog he always ignores me and he's been giving me the silent treatment for 5 years now also that chick at maccas that serves you she's like what's your order a dead chicken a chickens boo*s like wat dafuq
Catching fire hunger games
Ny nonno I never got to see ;(
Gstar Raw... But ffuuuu it's expensive
There face
When u were born
Who is trying to take me chocolate ;p
Lying hah
Uhhh? Don't even know
Soz don't give away dat **** lul
My friends dont even know
I don't like imogen and I will never like her and this isn't her so please leave me alone :/
Why's life so difficult
When they won't Shutup
Life is overpriced
Dafuq is this
Olden then the sun
I like my mummy and daddy don't dissssssss bishhhhhhh
Your so mean f*g
Amezeballs to be exact the "best singer" (cough) (cough)... Your a great cousine to me and nigga I am cool :p
A chicken chasing a cow
Anon your are amezeballs
Longer than you think
Well I have already got looks so maybes intelligence.. Hahah lol
Lets just say it works ...5/6 meters wide 2/3 meters high ?
I didn't mean to st anything I just said ....
No I don't like imogen she's a ......
Well I have always liked the moon :)
Kik me ~,~
Kik me
Why was I like that back then why can't I just be a normal person like everyone else why did I have to be so f**ked up :/
I do I just don't know
Yeah obviously everyone does
You have been the nicest person to me lately and we have both stopped arguing over the littlest things and its been quit a crazy year being in the same class together this year with all the stupid things we have done just to always have the last say in a fight we mostly have everyday and it gets really annoying.... [^,^]
School clothes?
Gasper2002 add me right now ;)
Depends talk to me on kik I might tell you depends who u really are so pretty much it depends
Nice and funny ;)
That I am not really human ;(
Don't be dumb, Sincerely Gasper,
Don't even know
Omg hahaha naughty boy
Fuk off
R u gonna be a bit*h to me like she does... Her wannabe hahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahgahahagaggagGgahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahagaghahahhahhahahhahahahhahahah
Wtf who's this
Hahah whaaa
Don't honestly know him
My fukin life
I no talk on kik
Yeah and she has hacked me 5 times in less then 10 minutes because she is the only one that knows my passwords so honestly I haven't been hacking you it is Harrison so leave me alone
A little wierd at some times. And can be nice to me when you want to (:
What the fu does this mean ?
Be normal ;)
Nice an funny
That today is another day
That I was going to turn into super woman :(
Why thank you John smith your welcome to :p