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Heyoo (like hey) Haddie Mo (my facebook username in year 6 and 7)
She can roll over, shake hands, sit and lie down :) she needs rewards though doesnt do sht for free
Je bae U bae Il bae Nous bayons Vous bayez Ils baent
I doubt that.... From, a suspicious person
She's part gemini :/ I don't know her very well so i dont really have an opinion
Mrs Thompson my fave <33 she's my english teacher
Possibly depression and perhaps some anxiety? It's hard to say yes or no because everything's on a spectrum... I'm on zoloft though
You make me blush ❤️! I really love you too!!!! Xoxo tbh flatter me and i will love you forever
You should definitely get to know me :)
I feel like we've drifted a part a tad this year because i hardly see her at all :( this really saddens me because she's super sweet and smart and funny and she has a cute smile #holliet2k16
Excellento! I share both qualities with my dog
Lovely is one of my favourite adjectives... Massive nerd more like ;) I'm not entirely sure if as cute as strange
Not at all! I think it's always better to ask than assume! I have no $exual or real romantic experience at all... I find many girls quite hot so I guess I could say I'm bicurious? I definitely wouldn't rule it out :)
Inbox me xx am i following you?
I'm not sure... possibly girls ;) nah I'm not sure of a girl
unfortunately due to my shyness and awkwardness I don't know any guys I "like like" at the mo' I don't really get opportunity to talk to/meet many guys but the ones I talk to I generally get on with :D
I would go to the 20s because it's pretty mad- also in america because I'm smart and I wouldn't erase myself from existence seeing as none of my ancestors come from there :3
why thank you :P maybe for Christmas I will get confidence ??
Then I shall hug you. *hugs anon* Anon hope i didnt squeeze too tight xoxo ilysm
uwu, I love your anon you're a babe. SHOUT OUT TO SWEET ANONS WOO YOU GUYS R THE BEST <3
Oui "Single Pringle" as mr birthday boy once said
I don't know actually... I haven't shared a room with him for seven years or so... if that kind of stuff is hereditary I sleep talk (:
what is your tumblr I neeeeddd ittt??!!1!?! hahha nah kidding
I don't know I'm pretty uncreative and like braindead from actually studying for once (quelle horreur!) oh shnap anon you're testing me... maybe...
do you like puppies: yus
have you ever kissed a boy (or girl :P): no and no
do you tumbl: evrytym
what is the meaning of life: 42
what do you wanna be when you grow up: I want to ascend to god tier and be maid of space
idk what you people want
fankyer <3 I'm not anything compared to like everyone on tumblr but to those who feel even worse than me I think the key is practice and looking at other people's art to get inspired and omfg pacers and prismacolours mmmmmmmm luscious lusciousness
especially when we're wearing our soft grunge (nothing soft about that) masks :P
whispers see a counsellor
thank you my kind sir *swishy hat bow-y movements*
this is pretty much the last question but w/e seeing as lack of specifics I'm going to say my maths teacher
dont deny how awesome that would be just anonymously spamming your teachers heheh
so true but like... it's not really cannon... I think holliet? like platonic ships 5ever
there's not really anyone that doesn't have it that I'd want to see
no clue like I know one or two but most not
mmm I couldn't rank anyone but here are my awesome people shout-outs in no order:
Holly, Faith, Annabel, Sophie, Carla, Emily Broadbent, Catherine, Emily W, Anna, Carene, Emma A, Jess, (insert all anon's names) (: there are loads more people but I don't have time fo dat hehe
a tough person never truly dies, they leave with them a soul and impact on their friends and family
he is probably nicer to his friends than to me because siblings but yeah he can be a legend
not sure which one you're thinking of... probably my little auburn AJ I'm closer to- she's the sweetest, never heard a Bit**y word from her xx
I'd say tavriska <3 heheh no-one in real life atm maybe a little cangus
ummm.... I couldn't really pick like three top friends!
Never been asked on one :P I'm dating tumblr
probably someone like AJ because they're both super sweet and nice
Senorita sas*y my amigo xx
Emily Broadbent- seems good at everything it's really unfair :P She's super nice though so I guess I can ignore that haahah xx
umm.. I have an idea but I actually have no clue who you are heheh well I've done worse trust me livelong and tumblr
luv u long time
I use a dell #2cool4u
nah my laptop is awesome it swivels into a teblet nuff said
I bought one to play mario. I'm so frickin excited for the new games you don't even know.
what would miss E say...?
I'd be anorexic
sas*y I'm not sure why is censored overly PC much
bbobwdbfijfhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh spiders ;A;
that sounds pAINFUL
then dead (x)(x)
go home holly you're drunk
(if it's not you then heheheheheh...........)
see someone.
maths teachers: crushing dreams since 2010
I swear I've said this before lord jegus :o exact emotions
tumblr or maths... dunn dunn dunn
if you wore rad c00lk1d shades you wouldn't have these problems anon :p
the world better prepare for when I'm a billionaire (times move on travie mccoy)
not sure if that's good for me or not... hmm... hmm...
oh mate you don't even know so many like over the years some horrifically awful ones like that awkward warriors stage OTL never speak of it... (woops just did)
I'm fairly speechless only... not... heheh Zoe what was that
all ze time but ze rest of ze time I feel cripplingly guilty about something because I am so bad at the whole "thinking/preplanning" thing woops
I think I'm going to go and buy some grapes like right now shi*
bananas are gross and your spelling is gross xoxox anons trying to keep me healthy subtly hinting something
mmmmmmm......mmm.... can I equip my garden with a multitude of brightly coloured plants? seems the way to go... this is what your first born son will look like.
view it and weep ;P
air is air dude it just is a spiritual body of life just chill like swoosh i'm high on gras* ppl keep burning hurr hurr hurr
yay :') also because homestuck and people just don't understand the feels like eridan killing everyone it's too much for them to understand jegus *im obsessed I swear its cray*
I dropped my dog once and maybe she was always an idiot but she's never been the same since cognitive ability is not what it used to be
:O not sure what to feel about that one fricking shenanigans that's what
Never it's mine *whispers my precious*
TTHE LEANING TOWER OF PIZA :o sometimes I just don't know what to respond crazy anon :P
umm... umm... well I haven't really gotten to know anyone that much but probably but just being me (lammmeee!) I'm always planning to get to know some guys but I'm not sure who would want to talk
haven't really talked in ages.. there was a bit in year 8 where we were kinda close and that was really fun :D
smell festy *le vom*
wuuttt rly? *crys evrytime*
can we go to see Gatsby at the movies, just us?
that's a really nice and subtle way of asking me out on a date; a stupid person may as*ume you're saying Cangus but anon, I know where you're coming from ;)
'Haven't really talked that much but she always seems really sweet and pretty
Izzy is one of the kindest chickas out there! she's been nothing but kind to me since I came to firbs thumbs up to her ps 8E 4ever :P
Heidi's so sweet! she often helps me in clas* and even with maths in history (:
don't really know many I feel I should probably say one of my brothers but let's be honest they're brothers teehee
that's a deep question man... probably a... lapras because they just swim around all chill like giant spiky turtles