What do you think about the most ?
Love on line ;) lol
You think you, top sht but ur are not always talking about how u have this have that laughing weird taking to catch the ball ? nd faulting like bro get over ur self its not always about you nd say my blood hair looks ugly but ok do u boo ???? Teresa_
tf you don't make sense, why are you on anon for, this isn't hide and seek yeh
You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?
$100 million ??
What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?
Rant to get everything out.
What or who , do you think about the most ?
What do you envy about the opposite $ex?
Mostly everything
What would you like as a birthday present
My birthdays like 21 november why u stressing!!!!? JOKEESSSS !
Who is the biggest fck Boy in year 8 ?
Pre sure this question was answered but , technically no one but some guys just have part fkboy in them
Hien is it true u dated Damon.Vo
Why you spamming me with irrelevant questions for
Smh ur really small
Oh sht I didn't even realise
Do u know who this is ????
Lmao yeh I have a feeling
What are you tired of seeing on social networks?
People publicising certain stuff
you're a btch that thinks you're nice oops?
I wish you could sense how much I care right now
Which word do you misspell a lot ?
Probs halarious , hilarious, hallarious ,
What have you noticed about yourself recently?
I've been really salty there's been complaints ??
How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"?
Well he was never crazy lmao :p but idfk
Sione or LUSHA?
Nadia or Lopez ?
Your too obsessed with sione :/
Yeh I am , I love sione
What causes you to stay up late?
Idk watching shows or gossip
What do you want to hate, but can't?
Sione , but Can
Your current bank balance ?
-100 :(
Who do you hate that most in year 8
Oooh hi there , so obvious
Lopez or Nadia?
Hi Lopez ??????
Thoughts on a true Lusha (me) :)) Isa_bell_Lopez
What are you tired of?
Peoples bs
Name top 5 best girl frands
No order
Sione ?
At what point did you realise you are attractive?
Answer is pending ......
What would put a smile on your face today ?
Looking at Theo James !!
If you were suddenly elected president, what would be your first thing you do?
Demolish trump :/
What do you silently judge people for?
How they eat ?
What positions do you play in Netball?
C , wa , wd
What is good in your life right now?
Nball :)
What is the most crushing thing anyone has said to you?
My type of relationship doesn't consist of those things
Cool but dumb in situations ??
Who do you miss ?
A year 9 I used to talk to :/
What did you last Google ?
My house ?
Who do you think likes you? It's pretty obvious
Are you seeing anyone.?
Guys chill with these questions
What or who are you obsessed with right now?
Cat valentine lmao
What is something that people might not like about you?
I won't shut up .. :/
How do you think the world will end?
I like to think positive
What is your biggest fear?
Literally darkness .
What's the craziest rumor you've heard about yourself?
This would be in year 6 !!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I think some of youse reading this would know bc it was actually pretty big
What's one thing you wish you could do every single day?
Wake up to a lot of money :)
What were you not prepared for?
Everything omg
What would make your day?
A nice sleep :)
Whats annoying you right now?
He's bull
What mistake will you never make again?
What's the coolest thing you did that no one saw?
My first back flip without a trampoline ??
If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A onesieeeeee :)
You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?
Yes because it would look cool ;)
What was the best compliment you've ever received?
What's the last thing you do before sleeping?
What was your first relationship like?
Why aren't you famous?
What do u mean I'm absolute famous man ;)
What's the worst decision you've ever made?
buying kfc.
What offends you ?
Your rudeeeeee ? Great person to talk to , trust u heaps man , your spam annoys me omg ? Bad taste in music :') , great sense of humour . Uglyass :)
What do you have no time for?
What is the worst trend you participated in?
Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?
The prettiest one ?
One year 9 that you would go out with and one year 8 that you would go out with
baha txt me and I'll answer you for suree :)
What is the most money you've ever spent at once and on what ?
Clothes I'm pre sure
How old will you be in 2030 ?
You do the maths :))
What's the dumbest thing you've ever spent money on?
Ice cream that I left to melt :(
Who even are u ?
It's just me , myself and I
What's the one moment in your life you wish was recorded?
Tbh probably when I was drowning , I want to re watch it and laugh at myself
What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?
What was the best thing that happened to you today?
My sleep :)
Why do you have that scar ?
Falling off a bike
I luv p u s s y
It's good you love your own kind.
Ur a f**
Ur a p.ussyyyyyyy
What do you not feel like doing today?
Why are you calling Tylah a 2 faced btch she did nothing to you!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I thought we sorted this out but obviously not lmao.
What did Tylah do??
Do what , lmao who is this anyway , msg me ?
If you were God for a day, what would you do?
Bless people :)
I think it is about time people stoped giving hien hate because it doesnt do anyone any good and its really mean. So if u be a s*ck as.s bit.ch and pick on people as an anon then go ahead but u cant stay anonymous forever.
Aww cutest x , who's this ☺️
What are you obsessed with?
Justin Bieber
Omg , why are you getting so much hate ?
How to give a f ?
Nah the dinner table one ? koendesilva
Oh lmao yea didn't mean it tho ahahah
Wow that question though XD koendesilva
What question ? Lmao does it say my name or are u just taking an educated guess .
Can I f u?
Yeah , f me side ways on the dinner table ? go away lmao
Omg ahah your such a nice girl , you have the best personality , your sometimes funny , pretty eyes x
What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?
I'll rather keep it private ??
I know where you live *^*
Wtf how and who's this
Is it?
Omfggggggggg!!!!!!!!! Elaborate ffs
Is it?
Omg wat elaborate pls
What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?
Idek lol
I like you
Who's this ?? Txt me / kik Hienngo_
Lol keep talking Sh.it
Okay will do , your pu.ssy for being anonymous , if ur a guy , you clearly don't have a d.ick if your giving hate anonymously . Is that enough hate for u, if not give me more and I'll keep talking sht about u thx
Whos the biggest btch
Lmao , probably her cause she just wanted a reason to break up with her boyfriend so she blamed me and said I'm secretly dating her BF ? ffs
How did you meet your bestfriend ?
Falling off a chair ?
Who's the closest to you in year 8
Have a few
Why are u so good at s*cking butt
Lol for the last time I know who this is ffs
If u were stuck on a island u u could bring 3 people and 3 things wat would the stuff/people be Ty_beast123451
? captain America Justin Bieber and Ariana grande , I would bring a photo of u ? a gun , food obvi