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Kabes Blease


Summon my Wisdom, Biatch

9 Replies

If you could add a feature to what would that be?

My as*

Hitmeidareu replied 3592 days ago

thoughts on jake young

Tall quiet and a good friend when you need a good friend.

Hitmeidareu replied 4291 days ago

Do you cry sometimes when you're lying in bed?

Yes, I'm sure most people do at one stage.

Hitmeidareu replied 4305 days ago

How often do you mas*******?

As much as an average teen going through puberty would.

Hitmeidareu replied 4305 days ago

I understand you like gaming but i dont understand why you have to tell people about ur games. Is it possible for you 2 do tht less?

Okay yes I do like gaming but I only talk about with my friends and not with random people in general. Also I only ever talk about it if they are talking about games too, I am the same with Anime but when they are talking about other things I will talk about those as well or just be quiet. But you make it like I'm the one leading the conversations when I actually don't have the balls to lead one and I only tell people if they are actually interested which the are because mostly all they talk about is Anime and Games. But if your year 10 and in one of my clas*es. Why would you care what I talk about with my friends, I am as*uming we are not close since if we where you would know that I don't always tell people about my games. And honestly I can only talk to people who I am comfortable with.
And most of my year 10 friends are gamers anyway so I don't see why there would be a problem. It's like me asking you to talk about one of your interests less with your mates. And I also would like to know why you have a problem with me talking about it to others. I usually don't talk anyway.

Hitmeidareu replied 4305 days ago

Who's your second best friend?

I have a lot of those aha, Well Maddi Freeland would be another Bestfriend like Nathan, I known her since kinda, My other besties Would be the people I hang with most, Michael K and W, Nick B, Jason, Laura, Jaycob, Alex, Britt, Jamie, Zach, Demita, Ashleigh, Zack, Drew and they are just the ones from the top of my head aha x3. But I'm usually seen with Nathaniel.

Hitmeidareu replied 4309 days ago

Hey bro thoughts on Jason:)

Tall awesome guy who is kind to anyone and is there when they need.

Hitmeidareu replied 4309 days ago

How are you?

I'm Good thanks!

Hitmeidareu replied 4309 days ago

Who's your best friend?

Nathan Lopez, Hes been my mate and has stuck with me since year 7, We have had awesome times together :)

Hitmeidareu replied 4309 days ago 1