Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Being lonely
I don't care how I look but I don't wanna live forever, and I wanna live longer than a year
Awesome and cute
A girl
if I could pick a boy one and a girl one Leki Pomee as boy Jade Pattinson as girl
Love u too (I know who this is coz ur the only person that qoohs me)
Amazing, beautiful, awesome
It was amazing, I don't regret it, it may have finished bad but before that the relationship and she is amazing
That's hard to answer considering everyone is beautiful
Feels Like Forever - Of Mice & Men
You are the most nice person I have ever met and although we have our ups and downs I think you are a great person and because we don't talk much I still kinda miss you
I would, Id save anybodys life, unless if they are a crimanal or a bad person
Zoe Clarke
Be angry
Tbh you are cool, awesome, great, friendly you r really really really really good looking and you are great at being a friend, you are nice supportive and really appreciative. rate 27/purple
your nice, cute, and a great friend
Jade Pattinson
being depressed
Who the hell are you Awa or Larry or whatever your name is. You pedophile
My music ;)
People insulting my music
Samsung Galaxy S5
Alex Isaacson
I don't know
Not masturbating
barbie dolls
90 years maybe...
body odor
eating alot of stuff with sugar and not getting diabetes
yeah, i am Samuel from YT!