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Very nice, played lots of sport together. Great guy!
him ay? please educate me, you seem to know more about me than myself
So appropriate
don't think i do hahah
wish id knew who you were talking about :/ but i don't...
Sandon... Name rings a bell!
Ummm thanks :)
you are my besttttt friend! i don't tell you enough how much i appreciate you as a person stevie
jimmmmmmy is really really cool, used to be much closer! bus still a really great guy! super funny and good to talk to :)
wish i could say i knew him well enough to say, but i defiantly don't!
My best friends, my family and Jed!
You disgust me
Replying :/
Yeah I got you're back you better
Bert please
I get boat sick so box
D tuck is such a great guy! So cool and easy going! So easy to talk to as well!
What the heck mr pimpgoodgame
Jwat would have to be the nicest bloke driving the streets
Hey! That's Fore skin to you
We used to be close when we were in the same team but now I haven't seen him in ages! Should defiantly come back and playing cricket :)
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH Why are you so funny and weird
Bit deep
Chelsey likes me
Nice enough :)
Always super friendly, nice guy!
It's a Mexican sauce ;)
I only know a few....
She's fit, flirty and has double f's
Defiantly one of my closest friends! We can tell each other anything, she is truly like a sister. Love her to bits.
Whoever it is sent it twice though ;)
Whose that
Really nice guy, super funny! And great to hang out with :) real fun person
My friends. For sure.
Savannah jobling, every day!
Don't talk all that often but known him for a VERY long time and he is funny as! Haha
Umm I'd have to say Imogen, Annika, kyah it's hard to think off the too of my head!
I'm pretty sure I only know max and popsi... But both really good friends! Were super close last year :) kiss and date no but 10/10 both
Archie's such a nice guy! I never really knew him until 13 but he is so lovely! And attractive :)
Cam gigandet
When she flashes my friends
Meghan dalmatti
One of the nicest guys Iv met :) very attractive and a great friend to me!
According to you Kelly clarkson
Umm what? Her?
Ah... Caitlin Scott, shaye wilson, abbey I don't really know that many!
Hahahahaha you know it sacagawea!
Sponge. Bob. Square. Pants. :D
Trust me I won't.. Please message me
God... I have no idea :/
...? Who is this??
Roy Roy Roy!
At my school?? Or..?
Oh wow.. Thanks so much!
Yep. They all are!
Not all that bad thanks!
Woaaahhh woaaaah woahhh woahhhh
Roy! He is the most sweetest, funniest, nicest, se*iest Rabbi going around! ;)
Wow.. So not true! But thankyou so much!
Both really nice guys! And ill miss seeing them around.. Both attractive and great boys :)
Ah... Adam and Finn, or jarrod and Finn.. Too hard!
Dean! What the hell!
Little Hom! se*iest thing at our school.
Haha! P!nk!!!
Probably most of my best friends!
We'll come if you shut your white as* up!
Hahaha my god Brooke! What's that off!!!!
Oh wow.. Way too kind!
Hahahah!!!! Brooke??
Tell me about it! I really want to talk to her... But she's just too hot!
Very talented guy. great singer, dancer and all round performer. Nice boy :)
Yeah it's good if you don't use the bathroom ;)
Settle namatitty
Either Molly or Benny again...? A hospital what is! Oh, it's a large building with patients in it but that's not important right now.
Hahahaa Benny?
No dean I am not! Hahahaha
Who is this?? Inbox me..?
Really lovely girl :)
Oh gosh! Thankyou so much! :)
Wow... Far from it!
Yeah :) mycalie James, know her from singing
Finn or Adam
I suppose
All my best friends! Known them for sooo long! Played a lot of cricket together, all great boys :)
Zed used to be one of my best friends :) we were so close, such a great guy! But I don't really no max sorry
Great friend of mine! :) really great guy, known him for a while now and his one of the nicest boys you'll speak to.