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Holly Dalton


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1k Replies

How many doors do you have at your house?

lol idk

Hollykate replied 3170 days ago

you would root him Knighty6

yeah totes

Hollykate replied 3174 days ago 2

i reckon youve fcked
or youve at least wannked him off

hahahahahaha okay if you think that :")

Hollykate replied 3174 days ago 2

how far have you and Jack gone. like $exy stuff?

held hands once

Hollykate replied 3176 days ago 2

What are you trying to prove to yourself?

i can do anything if I put my mind to it

Hollykate replied 3178 days ago

then you need to know your bestfriend is a fckn creep
do you even know what he thinks about girls

I know what he thinks big deal his a teenage boy? everyone's different

Hollykate replied 3180 days ago 1

the person who think jack is a bad guy is stupid. he is a really great bloke
the one who you need be careful of is riley. I see you with he a lot at school. I hear what he say to and about girls. hes a fckn creep. stay the fck away from him. he dangerous

yeah they are stupid :) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA riley is like my bestfriend, chill he isn't "dangerous"

Hollykate replied 3182 days ago

oh no thats not my camp
have fun anyway

hahahahahahaha you too

Hollykate replied 3184 days ago

friend what camp you going on
hope its the same as me

mt arapalis idk hoe to spell it

Hollykate replied 3186 days ago

What does success mean to you?


Hollykate replied 3188 days ago

people on your qooh me dont think im a nice person Jackpruden


Hollykate replied 3188 days ago

do u have a boyfriend


Hollykate replied 3191 days ago 2

If money was no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life?


Hollykate replied 3205 days ago

yeah jacks a dck fck him geez Knighty6

I know right

Hollykate replied 3208 days ago 1

jacks fine he's a babe he won't hurt you , don't listen to people holly they are just jealouse westy55

thanks josh xx

Hollykate replied 3209 days ago