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lol, I've made a fair few mistakes, but errm probably dating this one guy that was a **** and just a lot of things ! hahah
I don't want to go ! ahhh
I did pass English? haha But okay :)
2 I guess first one on and off for 2 years ish second like 5 months hah
omg, okay, there is nothing better then a guy with one of those cute little pony tails and a beard or a lot of stubble. PERFECTION
Turn Ons - Smelling great, Tall, BEARDS AND LONGISH HAIR, good fashion Turn Offs - Bad spelling and grammar, rudeness, no sense of humour
inbox me then noodle !
oh stop it you <3
Sam Conway and Michael Mawson
Neesa is perfection
Kristie Tahlia Georgia deacon Faith but theyre all gorgeous
I don't really know ! I guess like Neesa, John, Liam, Kat and Paige . But everyone's fantastic in my opinion
Aw thank you Erm yeah I basically have cut carbs sugar and fat out of my life , my meals are pretty much always steamed vegies so it can get pretty boring :( but it's worth it !! I also excessive as much as possible :))
I just stick to my diet plan and don't have any cheat days :)
you f**
oh hey dragon
stop it, i'm blushing
Liam Sam c and neesa
Liam and John !
Because I don't feel comfortable ?
I love everyone ! My whole year level is just adorable and full of such weird and interesting unique people ! but obv Neesa hehhhe
I'm not saying 'baby' thank you, I think
wednesday night
I don't feel comfortable saying , sorry ..
I was originally 66kg, but idk i change my mind everyday I keep wanting it lower and lower - I'm thinking 60kg now maybe a little under
Erm last Friday night
That's private ☺️
eh, Don't really want to say..
no, why would I?
And why would I tell you that ?
Haha ! Thank you
Cheeky !
Thank you !
Thank you so much ! at the start of the diet I was being a bit silly and starving myself, but i'm all good now and am eating very healthy !
hahahah thanks
Aw, Thank you !
Oh, Thank you very much !
Oh so many things ! Iv'e never been thin and iv'e always been the fat friend.. and i just wanted to change that, I just want confidence an be able to feel good about myself. But I also am doing it because of other people, the comments I got where horrible and I was just sick of being ugly and fat ! Iv'e still got 20kg to go, but i'm getting there !
you guys are to cute ! Thank you so much :)
Erm, generally just fruit and veg and white meats . I stay away from carbs like potato and pasta and no sugar ! and I go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week and i also do cardio and weights at home :)
Thank you ! :)
Thank you !
15 kg so far ! still 20 to go though !